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  1. Hey everyone, I actually have a bit of an obscure question here that I'm hoping some of you can help me with. I'm working with a file in Final Cut Express using the "Apple Intermediate Codec 720p30" preset. What I want to do with this file is export/render it into the native 720p format that the Panasonic AG-HVX200/200A, and similar DVCProHD cameras use. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is *.mxf, correct?

    Basically I need to know the settings to use to create a file that can be copied onto a P2 Flash card, (or "printed" to a DVCProHD tape,) and then played back on a Panasonic AG-HVX200A.

    Finally, is it possible for me to store the HVX200A-ready file on a portable hard drive for archival purposes; I don't see why it wouldn't be, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. In short, I just want to be able to render one 720p file that I can dump onto a P2 Flash card, as well as a portable hard drive. I should be able to play the file from the P2 Flash card (via the HVX200A) onto an HDTV as well. What's more, if I connect the portable hard drive to another computer, I should be able to view the file there as well--in other words, the video needs to be "self-contained," because I won't always have access to this machine when I need to access the video file.

    I realize that Final Cut Express 3.5 isn't on par with Final Cut Studio 2, but until I have my new NLE (and hopefully Final Cut Studio 3) set up, this is what I have to work with. Also, if I wanted to compress the file for HD web streaming, (e.g. something similar to YouTube,) what would the ideal settings for the streaming HD video file be? Again, any and all help is appreciated. Thank you all in advance for your time.

    EDIT: Tried to clarify what I'm asking about here. I want to create a file that I can copy to a P2 Flash card and play through a Panasonic HVX200/HVX200A at a later date. Again, any help is appreciated.
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  2. Hi,

    I believe that what you're asking for is like putting back the cork to a bottle of Champagne.
    It cannot be done.

    Workflows have a direction, from capture to postproduction. If you try to reverse it, you won't find the tools.
    Because nobody is doing that.

    Regards, BJ
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  3. Member edDV's Avatar
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    Firestore (the DV disk drive folks) have a software package that comes with the DVC-ProHD Firestore that does many conversions to and from P2 MXF format. I think you can buy the software separate from the drive.

    Also, you might be able to export from Final Cut Pro.
    Recommends: - Loans that change lives.
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