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  1. Firneds, I have a small problem. I downlaoded a video, which I've been searching for 5-6 months. The Video is good but the audio is the problem. The audio has ben superimposed with russian commentary. Where must I post to remove the russian commentary? I searched the topics but could not find anything to match my problem here. Please help me!
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  2. Always Watching guns1inger's Avatar
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    It has been discussed many times, as it was (and may still be) a common problem in some markets.

    First you have to determine if the Russian audio is one channel and the language you want is in the other. If the Russian audio has been dubbed over both channels then you are out of luck. It cannot be removed.

    If the Russian audio is in one channel only, and the other channel has the audio you want to keep, demux the audio, load it into an audio editor such as Audacity, copy the audio channel you want over the one you don't to replace it, then save the new audio track, and use this to replace the old one.

    Dual audio tracks are common in the Asian market, and are usually in different channels. In the Eastern European market they tend to be dubbed across both, and nothing can be done to remove it.
    Read my blog here.
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  3. Mod Neophyte redwudz's Avatar
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    Baggids, the Newbie/General forum is always a good choice if you are unsure where to post. And I agree with guns1inger. Some of those videos are really messed up with no cure, unless you can find a matching audio track somewhere.

    And welcome to our forums.
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