Not sure if I am using the right subtitle format for the job.
But I have two questions about SSA/ASS capabilities.
{\K<duration>} is fill and {\ko<duration>} is fill by outline
Is there a trick to change both the colour of the fill and outline?
eg. start as white with black outline, then changes to blue with black outline
Is it possible to display the line before the K animation? Or delay the K animation?
{\t([t1, t2,] ... )} can't be used with K animation right?
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after playing around with it I found how to show the subtitle ahead of the {\kf<duration>} animation
Code:Dialogue: 0,0:00:01.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\kf400}{\kf10}hello
but for my ffdshow/MPC to work I need to go
Code:Dialogue: 0,0:00:01.00,0:00:05.00,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,{\kf} {\kf400} {\kf10}hello
still lost regarding no. 1 though
many novelty karaoke programs (Karafun .kfn, Karaoke Maker .wrd, KBuilder .ksc...) allow you to choose the active and inactive colours of both body and border for the fill animation
duno why ASS/SSA doesn't seem to let you define them, as the {\kf} ({\ko}) changes the body (border) you lose contrast if you can't change the colour of the border (body)
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