I've recently tried to install a PDF printer on my girlfriends PC. I usually use Doro PDF. When trying to install, the program files themselves install fine, but when it gets to the part where it adds the printer to the windows printers list it fails and reports that I don't have enough privileges to do this. I thought it might be a problem with Doro, but I tried CutePDF as well with the same results. Evidently the PC is not allowing me to install the actual "printer" part of these programs. Her regular inkjet printer is still installed and working fine. I'd try reinstalling that to see if it does the same thing but I don't want to break her current functionality if it doesn't work.
This PC is running XP Home and this is an administrator account. Anyone have any ideas what could cause this issue?
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did you try right clicking on the install file and "run as" administrator? just to make sure you have the highest privileges. the only other thing i might try is disconnecting from the net and turning off whatever anti virus, trojan, spyware is running. they sometimes prevent system changes.
I'm on XP not Vista. I'm always an administrator with this account.
I did finally get the PDF printer to install. However that's the least of my problems now. Turns out Windows Update has be failing updates for a couple weeks now. I've repaired the update functions reinstalled Windows Installer and still no luck. I got one update to install. One more will install but when check the WU site it's list again and installs over and over. I can't seem to figure this on out for the life of me. I think it might be time to reformat and reinstall.
Looking in System restore I've got nothing but restore points every day for Software Distribution Service 3.0. I think this is the culprit. I've seen plenty of complaints on the service on the internet, but it's integral to WU so what do you do? -
Mate, I had the same problem. Please open attached file and follow the instructions. It fixed my prblem and a few more.
Let us know if it works for you.
how%20to%20fix%20missing%20framedyn.dll%20error%20 at%20instant%20registry%20fixes.pdf -
I'll give it a try and see if it helps.
Thanks for the input.
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