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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    United States
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    I have a AVI file that has a director's commentary audio track over top of the other audio. The audio is mpeg layer 3 and have tried tsMuxeR but mpeg layer 3 does not seem to be supported. I have used dvd shrink to remove the commentary track off a video_ts folder but this file does not seem to be supported there either. Is it possible to remove this commentary audio off of this file so I can burn it? Thanks
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  2. Always Watching guns1inger's Avatar
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    Miskatonic U
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    Open the AVI in virtualdubmod. Click on Streams -> Stream list.

    If there is only one audio stream listed, close virtualdubmod, delete the file, and learn from the exercise.

    If there are two audio streams, disable the one you do not want, then save a new copy of the AVI using Direct Stream Copy mode for both video and audio. This will give a new version with just the audio you want, and no re-encoding. Should take around 5 minutes all up.
    Read my blog here.
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