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  1. So, wat sup with this project?
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    From what I can tell, the project seems to be dead.

    To fill in the gap, I've made available a similar utility that I've developed for my own use. It is called ChapterMaker (all one word) and is available on SourceForge. It incorporates some additional functionality, and I'm open to suggestions for improvement. I've released it as FREEWARE under the GNU General Public License v3.

    I've also made this an open-source project, with the source code available on GitHub. If anyone wants to contribute to the project (like providing translations to other languages -- one of the enhancement requests logged on SourceForge), please let me know.

    Hope this helps.

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  3. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by rdswift View Post
    From what I can tell, the project seems to be dead.

    To fill in the gap, I've made available a similar utility that I've developed for my own use. It is called ChapterMaker (all one word) and is available on SourceForge. It incorporates some additional functionality, and I'm open to suggestions for improvement. I've released it as FREEWARE under the GNU General Public License v3.

    I've also made this an open-source project, with the source code available on GitHub. If anyone wants to contribute to the project (like providing translations to other languages -- one of the enhancement requests logged on SourceForge), please let me know.

    Hope this helps.

    I added a ChapterMaker mirror download.

    And a virustotal scan:
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    Thanks. Much appreciated. I just hope that others find it useful.
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  5. The timecodes for OGG and Matroska XML are wrong. MKVToolNixGUI shows an error while loading the XML-file.

    You should use HH:MM:SS.MS for OGG-chapter format,
    and for Matroska-XML use HH:MM:SS.NS (for your own names-list format too).

    The comma after the seconds is the wrong char it must be a point.
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    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    The timecodes for OGG and Matroska XML are wrong. MKVToolNixGUI shows an error while loading the XML-file.

    You should use HH:MM:SS.MS for OGG-chapter format,
    and for Matroska-XML use HH:MM:SS.NS (for your own names-list format too).

    The comma after the seconds is the wrong char it must be a point.
    Thanks for letting me know. It must be using the default localized decimal indicator (comma) rather than a period. I'll fix that as well as the number of digits after the decimal, as you suggested. I'm also planning on adding the ability to upload to (currently in beta testing) and perform lookups.

    On another note, are you still actively developing ChapterEditor? If I had found it earlier, I may not have released ChapterMaker, because it appears to have most of the functionality that I was originally looking for.

    Thanks again.

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  7. Originally Posted by rdswift View Post
    I'm also planning on adding the ability to upload to (currently in beta testing) and perform lookups.
    I have no valid LOGGIN (facebook etc), so I have implement an independent online chapter database in my chapterEditor. I have copied the ChapterGrabber database to my own database(chapters with real names only).

    Originally Posted by rdswift View Post
    On another note, are you still actively developing ChapterEditor? If I had found it earlier, I may not have released ChapterMaker, because it appears to have most of the functionality that I was originally looking for.
    Yes I still developing my chapterEditor. I have planed a new GUI, but I think this will take a time.
    A next feature will be to loading chapter names from a text-file and many other things.

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  8. Matroska XML has 9 digits for the nanosec's as standard. Issue in the changelog.
    The files have correct timestamps, but not in your own plain-text file.

    Could you fix the timestamps too, then I can support your plain-text file in my chapterEditor.
    Last edited by hubblec4; 20th Sep 2016 at 18:45.
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    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    Matroska XML has 9 digits for the nanosec's as standard. Issue in the changelog.
    The files have correct timestamps, but not in your own plain-text file.
    Argh! I updated in most places but screwed it up in the revision description and one place in the code. Should be fixed now. Too many patches in the code. I think it might be time for a general cleanup.

    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    Could you fix the timestamps too, then I can support your plain-text file in my chapterEditor.
    If I understood you correctly, I've made the changes as you suggested. All times should be to the nanosecond (9 decimal places) except for the time codes in the OGM output file. If you choose to include the times with the chapter titles, they should be to the nanosecond (even in the titles in the OGM output file).

    Thanks for your help in spotting the problems. Much appreciated.

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  10. This is the output of your plain-text-file
    ääääää [00:00] 
    hgjö [06:00]
    I see you have changed a lot in this output file.
    For what is this plain-text-output constructed?
    To get quickly a names list?
    The output in rev1.05 was better. Names with timestamps (and the dot-issue only)

    This is an output from Hybrid's own chapter queue format
    Source_1 :*: 00:00:00 :*: Chäpter 1 :*: I:\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00018.mpls
    Source_1 :*: 00:00:52.093 :*: Chapter 2 :*: I:\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00018.mpls
    Source_1 :*: 00:03:38.301 :*: Chapter 3 :*: I:\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00018.mpls
    I can parse this file easily and load to all my editor's(OGM XML multiAVCHD).
    I would like to make the same with your own plain-text-output file.

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    The plain text output was really only intended to provide a list of the chapter titles in a simple text format. I'm thinking seriously of changing it to CSV and outputting the chapter number and chapter name (and optionally the chapter time stamp as part of the title). Something like:

    1,This is the first chapter
    2,Second Chapter\, with a comma in the title
    3,The "Final" Chapter\, including a comma and quotes in the title

    1,00:00:00.000000000 This is the first chapter
    2,00:00:03.351478572 Second Chapter\, with a comma in the title
    3,00:00:07.365271849 The "Final" Chapter\, including a comma and quotes in the title
    Someone was asking about getting such a list to load the titles when using Handbrake. Since it will essentially be a two-column CSV (with included commas escaped), I suspect that you are already set up to parse it. Even so, I can't see the information being distributed in that format. It's more a "single use" output. What I'm not sure about is how to handle quotes and commas in the title. Examples I've found see to indicate that they should be as I've indicated above.

    Thanks again.

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  12. Ok, when you change something then I will wait until you are finished.
    A simple list(list.txt) of chapter names will be supported in the new GUI for mass chapter renaming. So you should offer such an output.
    Additionally there are other output format options, like names with time stamps and/or numbered...etc.

    Have you such a sample list.file for Handbrake?
    I use RegEx to parse the file text and there are no problems with quotes and commas.

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    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    Ok, when you change something then I will wait until you are finished.
    A simple list(list.txt) of chapter names will be supported in the new GUI for mass chapter renaming. So you should offer such an output.
    The TXT file output option currently provides a simple list of titles with a few options on what's included (optionally Chapter Number, Timestamp and Duration). These are all one line per chapter. Examples of the possible output formats currently available are:
    • This is the Title
    • {00:00:00.000000000} This is the Title
    • {00:00:00.000000000} 1. This is the Title
    • {00:00:00.000000000} This is the Title [01:23]
    • {00:00:00.000000000} 1. This is the Title [01:23]
    • 1. This is the title
    • 1. This is the title [01:23]
    • This is the title [01:23]

    The way it's currently set up, the order of inclusion of the elements is:
    1. Timestamp in the form {hh:mm:ss:nnnnnnnnn} (optional)
    2. Chapter Number followed by a period (optional)
    3. Title (always output)
    4. Duration in the form [mm:ss] (optional)

    I plan to change that to place the Chapter Number ahead of the Timestamp. I'm also pondering whether I should remove the braces around the timestamp, although they sort of make it clear that the timestamp is separate from the actual title.

    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    Additionally there are other output format options, like names with time stamps and/or numbered...etc.
    I believe these are pretty much covered in the current TXT output options, unless you mean in some other specific formats (e.g.: different orders or special identifiers or delimiters).

    Originally Posted by hubblec4 View Post
    Have you such a sample list.file for Handbrake?
    I use RegEx to parse the file text and there are no problems with quotes and commas.
    I haven't yet included that output option in the code, but my plan for the CSV output file is to simply use the same output format options for the title as with the TXT output (listed above), and precede the title with the chapter number and a comma. I haven't yet confirmed whether or not any commas in the title need to be escaped with a backslash (as shown in one example I've found on the 'Net), or whether the title string should be HTML encoded (", etc.). I can't think of any other needs for different CSV formats (e.g.: Chapter Number,Timestamp,Title), so I'm not planning including that option at this time. Are you aware of such a need or desire? It's easy enough to include if there is.

    Thanks again.

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  14. Ok, I understand now. Your plain text is a simple chapter name list, and the timestamps and chapter numbers/duration are optionally.

    Thanks for the explanations.

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  15. Member RogerTango's Avatar
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    Well.... IM BACK! Been a little busy, wont bore you with the details.

    So.. Currently I am learning C# and the MKV Chapter Maker project is something Ive been wanting to re-do for a long time.

    This will be a between work and life, so it wont be a fast development..

    The focus on THIS project is to be a command line application (probably console?) that can be used in a DOS batch file to automate generating XML chapter files and nesting it into an MKV - Either from MP4 or other source.

    Ill be relying on MediaInfo DLL to get me the duration time of the source video, and the only real configuration will be chapter increment; user defined interval (say every 3, 5, whatever minutes) a new chapter will be tagged.

    The chapter maker program that was linked above by our beloved Admin is a great program, just keep in mind my application will not try to compete with it in features & options, but rather be an automated do-dad.

    I think FFMPEG will do well enough to remux all into an MKV, so either MKV Tool or FFMPEG will be required.

    It will launch something like:

    mkvchaptermaker myvideo.mkv

    Ideally you will want to keep the original, so it will be copied to myvideo.original.mkv I think...

    That is all for now,
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