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  1. I encoded an .mpg file with TMPGEnc 2.5 using 2-pass VBR.

    I set the avg. bitrate to be 5991, but the final result checked in GSpot was 4350. I noticed because the file was much smaller than expected.

    What could have caused this?

    Source: .wmv file 23.976 fps
    frame served via AviSynth
    used 3:2 pulldown and unchecked the "enable padding not to be lower than minimum bitrate" box

    It's not really important, the final product is fine, but I would like to know if someone could explain why this happened.

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  2. I played around with the "enable padding not to be lower than minimum bitrate" setting and the minimum bitrate on a different clip, and got the final bitrate in GSpot to change a bit.

    So, I guess my assumption now is that 2-pass VBR will not use more bitrate than necessary unless a) forced to by a minimum bitrate or b) padding.

    Does that sound right?

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