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  1. I notice that ABBYY Fine Reader
    has trial OCR software that will ocr Chinese. I tried it and it does work, however, they want about $400 for the software. I am wondering if there is any other Chinese ocr software that is cheaper or free.
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  2. VH Wanderer Ai Haibara's Avatar
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    Probably not. Any OCR that can read and interpret Chinese relatively well is going to have to be able to distinguish between the many, many Kanji graphs. That's not as easy as, say, twenty-six roman letters (X2 - upper and lower case), punctuation, and numbers. There's many more symbols to account for.

    So, anything capable of interpreting an Asian pictograph-based language is probably not going to be cheap.
    If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them?
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