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  1. Member
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    ok i'm getting frustrated i've tried everything. here's the problem. i made a slide show on windows movie maker, pictures with music, etc. burnt it to a cd-r which is compatible with my rca dvd player, yet it won't play! then i downloaded a converter to convert the format thinking that was the problem, being in wmv, yet found out that don't work either, plus my dvd is compatible with vcd's, wmv..... when i reburnt it in vcd format the dvd track menu came up on my dvd player when play is pushed a High pitch sound plays, no video no nothing, just this sound..... the disc plays fine on my pc, so i know the movie is there, any help will be Much APPRECIATED!!! i've tried everything, converting, different discs.......Help!!!
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  2. Member
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    First, a DVD player will generally play only DVDs, and usually VCDs. A computer can play many other formats, so computer playability is not very predictive of success at playback on a standalone DVD player. Even DVD players that support additional formats will often place restrictive constraints on the parameters that they will play (see your unit's documentation for details). So, if the resolution, frame rates, audio codec, etc. are not chosen properly, you'll get no joy.

    For maximum compatibility, you will need to author either a compliant DVD, or a compliant VCD. Not all DVD players will play VCDs burned on arbitrary media. For example, older DVD players use only one laser (a red one), and balk at some recordable CD media. In those cases, burning on CD-RW media will frequently solve the problem.

    A compliant VCD must be burned specially as a VCD, not as a data disc. If you look at the file structure of the VCD you burned, what folders and files do you see? There should be several folders (most empty), with one called MPEGAV, inside of which is your media file with a .dat extension. If the disc is not authored this way, your DVD player should balk.
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  3. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    You might also look to the upper left on this page for 'WHAT IS' DVD and maybe VCD. That will give your the specifications, fomat and structure of those type of files. To make a compliant DVD or VCD, you have to go by those guidelines.

    And welcome to our forums.
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  4. I have a Toshiba satellite l 875d-s7332. I made a video in windows 8 movie maker and it won't play in my Sony dvd player. I used Pinnacle studio movie maker also with the same results and Ulead Videostudios can't read disk comes up. I converted the files to avi. pmeg2. no luck. I use media player to burn the dvd and i notice my files don't have codecs on them? They all play on my computer. I'm using dvd-r disc. I read somewhere that i need to finalize the disc? Is this right and how do i do this?
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  5. Member
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    A proper DVD disk must be authored, so you end up with a Video_ts folder, containing the VOB, IFO and BUP files.
    Perhaps give AVStoDVD a try.

    Not sure why you piggy-backed your question on a four year old thread, much better starting a fresh one.
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  6. Thanks. I'll try that. I'm new to this forum and for the life of me I could not find where to put my question at. So I put it into this old thread. ront.
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