First... i am new in here, and wanna say a friendly "HELLO" to ya all!
Now i deeply hope someone can help a sad Girl.....
I have Vista SP1 installed, which includes the Windows Media Player 11.
Now... after i had installed VCDEasy... and wanted to start it, it came up with an Error-Popup that said:
(sorry for my bad english... i am german)...
..."Windows Media Player (Required by VCDEasy) seems not (fully) installed.Please download it at http://www.microsoft.com/mediaplayer"
I mean... I HAVE it installed! To try a solution i also installed the "Mediaplayer classic"... that was no help!
Now...if that MIGHT be a factor... i only have ONE Codecpack installed, and that is "K-Lite-Codecpack".
Could it be that VCDEasy don`t "knows" the WMP11?????
I am helpless now... don`t know what to do.
Do YOU????
BIG, BIG Thanx!
Results 1 to 14 of 14
It either wants or is expecting an older version of Media Player, or isn't necessarily Vista-compliant. What happens if you right-click on the VCDEasy shortcut, select Properties, then the Compatibility tab, and check the box beside "Run this program in compatibility mode for:", selecting Windows XP in the dropdown below it?
Probably won't help, really, but there's always a chance.If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them?
I couldn't tell you - but only because I never really used VCDEasy. It might just not be compatible with Vista. (I checked the VCDEasy site, just now, and it does say "VCDEasy runs under Windows 98/98SE/Me/NT4/2000 and XP." No mention of Vista.)
There's other means of creating VCDs, of course. When I was creating them, years ago, I used to just encode the videos using TMPGEnc and drop them into Nero. Are you sure wouldn't mind creating a video DVD, instead?If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them?
I have just set up VCDEasy on Vista and get the WPM error. Did you find the answer ?
Originally Posted by gkma01
Making VCDs these days makes little sense for most people in most countries, so if you have the ability to make DVDs, then that should be your first choice. There remain some parts of the world where VCDs continue to be popular, but the UK is not among them. And if you are ever planning to get a Blu-ray player, you should realize that these don't support VCD playback (at least, I am unaware of any model that does), but they all do support DVD playback.
Thanks again.
I'm pretty resigned to giving up on VCD,SVCD etc.
Hopfully getting to grips with DVD will not present too steep a learning curve.If
you know of any good tutorials for beginners which will get me up to speed on all the pros and cons of
DVD -R ,DVD+R etc etc etc I would appreciate a reference.
Thanks again.
A reasonable start would be to familiarize yourself with what a DVD's structure looks like. The summary "What is DVD" in the upper left-hand corner of this page provides a good introduction.
The basic workflow would look something like this:
1) Convert your source vid into DVD-compliant MPEG2 (if not already in that format).
2) Author (this is the act of assembling your video into a DVD-compliant file structure, along with any menus, etc.)
3) Burn (a DVD can't be burned like a normal data disc; it needs special handling to create a disc that will be recognized by a player as a DVD).
There are many options for each of these steps. Your profile doesn't list anything about your computer platform, but for Windows, there are more options than for the Mac, generally speaking. On the free end of things, Quick Media Converter converts from just about anything into DVD-compliant streams with pretty much a single click (although if you are an advanced user, you can activate additional options to control the conversion in detail). Imgburn is a great free tool for then generating a DVD-compliant file structure and subsequently burning a disc that should be playable in standalone DVD players. If you want menus and such, GUIforDVDAuthor is an excellent free tool.
As to the various kinds of media, these days there is not a big difference between DVD-R and DVD+R. Some players/burners favor one over the other, but most newer models pretty much accept anything. The most important factor is actually the manufacturer of the media. Verbatim and Taiyo-Yuden are most often cited here as the good stuff (particularly if you intend to burn dual-layer discs). Other makes are a crapshoot (or just crap, particularly for DL). See nomorecoasters.com for a terrific overview of the situation.
That should get you started. Post back as your reading triggers more questions.
many thanks for prompt and comprehensive response.
Vista(Home version) comes with Movie Maker and DVD maker but a quick look at these suggest they are not too flexible. Also found a lot of negative comment on them in various forums .
I envisage using files from my digital camera (jpg,avi),wmp video files and wav files from converting some old vynls to digital form.There may be other file types involved.
So I'll satrt to have a look at some of the software you suugest - I aready have ImgBurn- and see waht looks best.
Thanks for kind offer to offer advice.
Wanted to thank the people who posted on this thread. It helped point me to getting around Vista.
Two things I would do to update the information:
1) If someone wants to produce a VCD on Vista, as I did, with just freeware, I would certainly recommend the CDRTFE package on sourceforge.net . It just plain worked -- downloaded the setup.exe, it installed the sourceforge packages it needed, I ran the program and its GUI appeared automatically configured to my system's CD burner, I dropped in an MPG file and pushed the GO button. That was all, a very slick package.
1.a) The one thing I would want to add there, is that it will ask whether to "Install for All Users" or "Install just for the Current User". I have suspected that a lot of my troubles with Vista permissions were from trying to install into the All Users area, and this is my laptop only, so I use Current User, and you might try that yourself.
2) Then one has to get the Video Player to play the VCD -- and I am sure many people here know how to do that. But it is worth re-mentioning ... a lot of DVD players, like my JVC, will start off by searching and searching for the VCD's "menu". And of course there is not any. So my JVC will just sit there and search and search, until I press the STOP button, and then press the PLAY button. And then the VCD starts playing. Your player may need the same.
Thanks again for the thread. VCDs may seem silly, in the present technical environment, but money is also pretty durn tight, so not being required to buy either a DVD burner or a commercial program is a big help.
Welcom tomtac, but in general we'd really prefer that you not dig up old threads to comment on them. We're not exactly thrilled when people dig up old threads years later to say "Thanks" or "I agree", etc. Unless your info is just critical to the original thread (ie. nobody ever answered a question, like for a DVD player unlock code, and you do know the answer) it's really best to just leave them alone. If I remember correctly the guy who maintains VCDEasy has never bothered to update his code and it still doesn't work on Vista or Windows 7.
Finally, you do know that DVD burners can be bought for about $25 US right? Please don't tell me that like so many people you haven't checked prices in years and just assumed that they are still $100+ each.
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