I accidentally put a Blu Ray disc into my Insignia DVD/VCR combo player (which of course it couldn't read), and now the DVD player won't read any discs...Is there anything I can do to remedy this? Thanks for any help...
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i'd try unplugging it for a few minutes and see if that helpls. if it still can't read anything it may have burned out the lens focus motor.
"a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303 -
Tried unplugging it for a while, it didn't help....Thanks for the suggestions though!!! What a drag...The Blu Ray was in the wrong case and I didn't inspect the disc before placing in the player...Is it my particular DVD player, or does this happen with all regular DVD players that you place a Blu Ray disc into??
My feeling is that this shouldn't happen at all, but I am unwilling to potentially sacrifice one of my DVD players to test it. What should happen is that the player should very quickly realize that it doesn't recognize the disc format and give up rather than destroying itself trying to refocus a laser on a disc it can't read anyway. Unless people post with first hand experience about how other manufacturers do the same thing with their DVD players, maybe you should consider buying another brand of player in the future. This just seems like really poor design to me.
Agree with jman.
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FAQs: Best Blank Discs • Best TBCs • Best VCRs for capture • Restore VHS -
Yeah, most players I've seen just give up and complain that they can't read the disc. I've never really heard of the wrong type of disc ruining a player... in fact, earlier this year, my mother was trying to play a Blu-Ray disc in her cheap Sam's Club DVD/VCR combo player, and all it did was fail to recognize it.
If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them? -
any child could do the same thing
poorly designed player there -
Insert that disc again, then while disc is in, turn the unit off at the power point, then as you turn the power back on eject the disc before it has time to read it
Originally Posted by Bjs
Originally Posted by Noahtuck
Originally Posted by Bjs
noahtuck - I thought the same thing you did, so it wasn't just you. I suppose it doesn't hurt to try as it can't be more broken than it is already, but let's just say that I am highly skeptical that this approach will fix the problem.
I tried the power down thing, but it still cannot read any disc...It attempts to for a while and then just spits them back out...I appreciate the help though...
Originally Posted by Tech Challenged
Does the player's instruction manual list any methods to reset the player (or reset to default settings, at least?)If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them? -
Maybe the player just crapped out on you at a very coincidental time. My sister-IL got some malware on her PC, which (we thought) was making it blue screen. After cleaning it out, it still BSODed at odd intervals. Turns out that the cpu cooler bailed on her just at that time (I somewhat noticed that it was quieter). I replaced it and haven't had the problem since.
A friend of mine flushed his car's radiator, and it almost immediately started overheating. He spent time and money re-flushing it, until I suggested that his water pump was out. Even though he thought that was too "convenient", he changed it at that did it. -
Just curious - how long did it try to read the disc, and was it very hot when you removed it? If so, then the laser diode probably failed. It is also possible that a resistor on the power supply burnt, or a capacitor exploded.
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own" - the Prisoner
be seeing you ( RIP Patrick McGoohan ) -
It tried to read the disc for maybe a minute or two...I cannot remember if the disc was hot when I removed it...
I left the unit unplugged for about 4 hours...
I'll try to find the manual and look for reset instructions....Thanks All!
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