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  1. Member
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    I need a soft which will convert .sup file to .srt.
    Because after demuxing subtitles files from dvd, it save as .sup format. but, subtitlecreator & workshop cant open it, even suprip cant open it.

    So, any alternet solution???
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Subtitlecreator should be able to import sup files.

    Any error message in subtitlecreator?
    How did you demux the subtitles from the DVD?
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  3. Member
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    Error message is: unable to open that file!!!. Perhaps creator cant recognize the sup format.

    I use vobedit to demux "subtitle" from dvd. It's just import .VOB files & separate subtitles as .SUP format (NOT .SUB). But Ineed as .srt format.

    Can you tell me any way, how can I get subtitles as .srt from a dvd?
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  4. SubtitleCreator can convert SUP to IDX/SUB and then you can easily OCR the IDX/SUB.

    That's if you created a good SUP file. I have no idea what VOBEdit does, but most people get them using PGCDemux.
    Can you tell me any way, how can I get subtitles as .srt from a dvd?
    The normal way is to open the IFO in a program such as SubRip and OCR into SRT from there.
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    Ok, I'll try with PGCDemux & reply later...
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    I've been using Vobsub -> Subresynch. You "save as" another subtitle format you want, there's like 6 choices.
    It's really useful and you can also edit the font's directly in the subtitle.

    But for some reason if you want to convert from idx/sub you can't edit the fonts. So you have to covert to another format then convert it again to edit the want if you'd like.
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  7. Member
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    Hi Baldrick,
    I've used subtitlecreator with the help of "Tools" option. It can open the .sup file of that movie. I've changed the color of the subtitle & save it as .sup file (if possible, u can tell me how can I save as .srt in creator/workshop). But, After creating DVD with GFD, the color appearing as "Black" everytime!!!. what's wrong?

    Thanks for Vobsub. I've downloaded it, after use, I'll reply.
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    Vobsub->Subresync can't open .sup format demuxed with vobedit.
    So, how can I save as .srt???
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  9. Vobsub->Subresync can't open .sup format demuxed with vobedit.
    That's right, but I already told you how to convert SUP to IDX/SUB. SubResynch can OCR IDX/SUB to SRT.
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  10. Member
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    Hello All,
    Problem has been solved. I've managed tutorial from "baldrick" how to convert .SUP to .SRT manually after demuxing the subtitles using VOBSUB.

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  11. Member
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    Hi all,
    sorry to disturb you after so long, but what was the actual solution? How do I 'convert .SUP to .SRT manually?'

    Stewart K Potter
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  12. One way is to convert the SUP to IDX/SUB using SubtitleCreator followed by an OCR of the VobSubs using SubRip. This was already mentioned earlier in the thread.

    DVDSubEdit can do an automatic OCR of the SUP to SRT. It can do it very quickly. But it does a bad job and the SRT will need heavy editing afterwards.
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  13. Member
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    Thanks for clarifying that. I did read the whole thread, but it was hard to work out what was the 'correct' way to do
    the conversion. Thanks again. Over and out!

    Stewart K Potter
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  14. Member
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    I use a program called suprip. It lets you go through each subtitle line manually and fill in what it doesn't recognize in OCR. The farther you get in the subtitle for that movie, the more it learns what the font is like and starts filling in for you. The only downside is that you will have to edit the time hack on it.
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  15. Originally Posted by kvoth View Post
    I use a program called suprip.
    Does SupRip work with DVD SUP files?
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  16. To convert BluRay sup (but I think also sub/idx) into srt use Subtitle Edit

    Do not use Open to open the sup files but instead do this:

    File -> Import/OCR Blu-ray
    File -> Import/OCR VobSub

    After you do that, select the file, and in the window that appears afterwards click Start OCR and correct the wrong words (fewer words to correct than in SupRip for example). When you finish click Ok to close that window

    Save the file (save type as: Subrip is for .srt)

    I tested it on 3 BluRay .sup files and it worked
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  17. Originally Posted by John Constantine View Post
    To convert BluRay sup (but I think also sub/idx) into srt use Subtitle Edit

    Do not use Open to open the sup files but instead do this:

    File -> Import/OCR Blu-ray
    File -> Import/OCR VobSub

    After you do that, select the file, and in the window that appears afterwards click Start OCR and correct the wrong words (fewer words to correct than in SupRip for example). When you finish click Ok to close that window

    Save the file (save type as: Subrip is for .srt)

    I tested it on 3 BluRay .sup files and it worked
    I've been using a similar process except I downsize PGS to 720x480 using BDSup2Sub. Export ifo/sup. Load the ifo using DVDSubEdit. Run automatic OCR. Save .srt file. No corrections. It's automatic. For me, with English subs it seems to work about 90% of the time or better. Errors in the output .srt usually have an underscore in the line '_'. If I search and find no underscores then the .srt is nearly always perfect. Just scroll down to give a quick look there's no garbled text.
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  18. Originally Posted by MilesAhead View Post
    Originally Posted by John Constantine View Post
    To convert BluRay sup (but I think also sub/idx) into srt use Subtitle Edit

    Do not use Open to open the sup files but instead do this:

    File -> Import/OCR Blu-ray
    File -> Import/OCR VobSub

    After you do that, select the file, and in the window that appears afterwards click Start OCR and correct the wrong words (fewer words to correct than in SupRip for example). When you finish click Ok to close that window

    Save the file (save type as: Subrip is for .srt)

    I tested it on 3 BluRay .sup files and it worked
    I've been using a similar process except I downsize PGS to 720x480 using BDSup2Sub. Export ifo/sup. Load the ifo using DVDSubEdit. Run automatic OCR. Save .srt file. No corrections. It's automatic. For me, with English subs it seems to work about 90% of the time or better. Errors in the output .srt usually have an underscore in the line '_'. If I search and find no underscores then the .srt is nearly always perfect. Just scroll down to give a quick look there's no garbled text.
    I chose this program because I can convert directly sup (the ones extracted directly from a Bluray Disc, without the ifo) to srt without going throught sub/idx or sup/ifo (this one is for DVD, no?). In each file that I converted I've made maybe roughly 15 corrections (most of them were correct words, or surnames, that the program didn't have in it's "library"). You can add those new words to the library. Also if the word repeats itself you can click "skip all" so that you will not be bothered with them again. If a word is (spelled) wrong than you can click "change all" (after you change/correct it of course) and it will correct all the similar mistakes. So not much of a stress. Unlike SupRip where, in my case at least, you have to "write" 80-90% of the wouldbe converted file.

    I just discovered now that it also imports subtitles directly into the program from a mkv file (it takes ~ a minute to load it):
    File -> Import subtitle from Matroska file

    I really like this program considering I'm essentially a noob in this. Makes my life easy without going through 2 or 3 programs to make a srt. Just wanted to let you know about it.
    Last edited by John Constantine; 27th Dec 2012 at 19:55.
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  19. There's more than one way to skin the cat. When I downsize to 720x480 and export the sup/ifo pair, I get DVD subs. That's why the automatic OCR in DVDSubEdit has such a high success rate. Just loading in PGS subs doesn't work so well. Naturally I tried it without downsizing. Before I gave up on the automatic option, almost as a lark I tried downsizing first. Bingo!! I got flawless results like 90% of the time. Also it's been my experience that the manual corrections never end. Any program I've used with manual OCR was so bad I might as well just type the stuff in. But if it works for you, great.

    I'm relating my experience. That's all I can do. The OP should try and find out what works in his setup. It's not always the same results. Depends which software likes you.
    Last edited by MilesAhead; 28th Dec 2012 at 13:13.
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  20. Member
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    Originally Posted by John Constantine View Post
    To convert BluRay sup (but I think also sub/idx) into srt use Subtitle Edit

    Do not use Open to open the sup files but instead do this:

    File -> Import/OCR Blu-ray
    File -> Import/OCR VobSub

    After you do that, select the file, and in the window that appears afterwards click Start OCR and correct the wrong words (fewer words to correct than in SupRip for example). When you finish click Ok to close that window

    Save the file (save type as: Subrip is for .srt)

    I tested it on 3 BluRay .sup files and it worked
    Thanks for this guide which works great for me. However I seem to be missing the final step. I have successfully OCR'd all the subtitles and corrected as I went. On pressing OK I am returned to the Subtitle Edit main window with a list of the 2500 plus subtitles (I am not importing the video so the audio & video windows are blank) BUT how do I Save the whole set of subtitles as one SRT file? When I "save as" I get the one subtitle.

    Apologies guys - I assumed it was one subtitle as the file was 174K. I just opened the file and am amazed - in fact it is all the subtitles. Thanks for the guide.
    Last edited by SimonDMZ; 13th Jan 2018 at 12:00. Reason: CORRECTION
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  21. Member Bernix's Avatar
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    Have you in first column numbers start with 1 and increased for each line +1 ? Also in format on top, have you srt and coding utf-8?
    I'm asking because when you properly OCR your sup subtitles, it should result in one text form subtitles, that are possible all lines save as
    Probably you are not saving them as srt. Still it is weird.

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