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  1. Member
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    I have been reasonably successful with VcdEasy but recently have encountered error messages like the following:


    writing track 2, MPEG1, PAL SIF (352x288/25fps), audio[0]: l2/44.1kHz/224kbps/stereo ...
    VideoCD, 217366 sectors [48:18.16]
    [22m 55s 230ms (Creation of the VideoCD as disc image)]

    [Disc Info]
    ASPI: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WnAspi32.dll
    1,1,0: LG CD-RW CED-8081B Rev: 1.00
    Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
    That data below may not reflect the real status of the inserted medium. Reload the medium in this case.
    ReWritable disc: YES
    Total Capacity: 79:57:74 (359849 blocks, 702/807 MB)
    CD-R medium: 97:10:00: unknown vendor ID
    Recording Speed: 0X - 4X
    Disc empty: YES
    [02s 640ms (Disc Info)]

    [CD Write Simulation]
    WARNING: During writing you should avoid to open the Windows Explorer and similar tools
    ASPI: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WnAspi32.dll
    1,1,0: LG CD-RW CED-8081B Rev: 1.00
    Using driver: Generic SCSI-3/MMC - Version 2.0 (options 0x0000)
    Starting write simulation at speed 4...
    Writing track 01 (mode MODE2_RAW/MODE2_RAW )...
    cmd finished after 0.001s timeout 180s
    ERROR: Write data failed.
    ERROR: Writing failed - buffer under run?
    ERROR: Simulation failed.
    [04m 29s 520ms (CD Write Simulation)]

    [27m 35s 840ms (All tasks, and user interactions if any)]

    ************************************************** *****

    I am not aware of making any changes in my settings but this error seems to occur with larger jobs .The process reaches the writing stage (say around 40% of 480Mb) where it folds .I am using the Commercial version 3.1.0

    Anyone able to point me to a solution. Thanks.
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  2. Banned
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    I don't use VCDEasy to burn, just to create the occasional VCD image, which I then burn with Nero (Nero is OK for image burning). I think to solve a buffer under run problem you have to burn slower, so you might try that.
    Your media might also not be very good. I'd recommend using either Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.

    ImgBurn, which is free, can now write to CDs and it could write your image file if you want to try burning with that. If VCDEasy comes with a burner it probably uses that old CDRDAO program. I've never thought much of that program and I was never able to get it to work for me despite some years ago all the many people who claimed it worked on "nearly everything". That was certainly NOT my experience.
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  3. Member
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    Your error log shows that this operation is failing for a 4x write *simulation*, so unless your computer is pretty slow, writing slower is unlikely to fix things (but it's worth a try, certainly). It's hard to pinpoint exactly what your problems might be, given the little information provided, but here are some possibilities:

    1) You have a bad sector on your hard disk. This is consistent with the failure seeming to occur at the same point. Try running a disk utility (scandisk will do as a first pass, but you may want to use more industrial-strength software). If running the simulated write at a lower speed still produces a failure at the same point, then the "bad HD" hypothesis strengthens.

    2) You are running some CPU-intensive processes at the same time. When burning, it is critically important not to do anything else. This includes, for example, networking operations (ethernet, WiFi, etc.). Anything that demands attention from the CPU will necessarily take it away from burning. And burning is a real-time task; no second chances if the bits aren't available when the laser is ready to burn. Although many computers are fast enough, and use big enough buffers, to tolerate some amount of other activity, it's safest to give the burner maximum access to the CPU.
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    If VCDEasy comes with a burner it probably uses that old CDRDAO program. I've never thought much of that program and I was never able to get it to work for me despite some years ago all the many people who claimed it worked on "nearly everything". That was certainly NOT my experience.[/quote]

    Yes it uses CDRDAO which I have found a bit unreliable. I've downloaded IMGBURN. But not too sure on next dtep . I wonder if you might help.
    I wish to continue with VcdEasy but turn off the internal burner.I'm not sure which Image file option to select. Bin cue,Bin detailed cue ? Once I decide then that's the file I load into ImgBurn ?

    Can I continue using all the other VcdEasy features ? Chapters etc etc ?
    Thanks very much for your help.
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  5. Member
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    Yes I got improvement with your suggestions --- scan & lower speed (to 2x!!) .
    However the time to process my VCD project is so long that my PC is tied up for ages .

    So I'm going to disable the VCDEasy burner and try the one suggested in Jman98's post.
    Many thanks
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  6. Banned
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    I'm working from memory here as while I have VCDEasy, I haven't used it in a while. Set it to produce BIN/CUE output to your hard disk rather than burning the final result. I think you have to set it to Image Recorder or something like that. Then you just open the BIN/CUE file (either should be OK I think) in ImgBurn and burn it to CD.
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  7. Member
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    Glad things are a bit better. By all means, follow jman98's excellent suggestion to use a separate burning program. I have never used the burning engine inside of VCDeasy (indeed, until your post, I had forgotten all about it). I have used burnatonce for a long time to do the actual burning of bin/cue files. It's never failed me (and I like its minimalism), but ImgBurn is widely acknowledged on this forum as THE tool to use.
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