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  1. Pinoy2201's Divx Newbie Guide

    DVD Decrypter 3
    DVDx 1.7
    DivX4 BitRate Calculator
    DivX Codec 4.12
    Radium MP3 Codec

    DVD Decrypter: unpack to a folder anywhere
    DVDx: unpack everything to a folder anywhere
    DIVX Codec 4.12: just run the *.exe file
    Radium MP3 Codec: unpack and run the *exe file
    DIVX4 Bitrate Calculator: unpack to a folder anywhere

    Lets Begin !!!

    Ripping the DVD:

    First put your DVD on your DVD Drive and run DVD Decrypter after it is finished unlocking the DVD it will look like this:

    It will select the main movie so don’t worry..Now select a destination for the vobs and start ripping…it will take awhile so don’t worry….when it is finished it will look like this:

    Calculating the Bitrate:

    Now run DIVX4 Bitrate Calculator….now type in the length of your movie…select its framrate and select how many discs you want it in..It will look similar to this:

    Setting up DVDx and Encode to DivX:

    Now run DVDx and open your Ifo file:

    When you select the ifo file the input selection will pop-up…now select the movie with length of the movie you desire to encode..Then select your framerate your audio and if you want subs just select a language on the Subtitles and everything else should look like on the bottom then press okay:

    After that go to settings and output..then press the whole button…then select the AVI output:

    After that press enable audio..then Audio Codec..then a pop up will put the settings like on the picture then press okay:

    After that press Video Codec and select DivX 4.12 like on the picture..then press configure:

    After you press Configure a pop up will appear now on bitrate type in the bitrate you got with the bitrate calculator and every thing else would be okay..then press okay..then press okay again and every thing should look like this on the picture except the Max Frames then press apply:

    After that go to Select Output on the bottom right-hand corner and select the directory of the finish product:

    After that press Encode and wait a couple of hours after that you will have a great Divx file to watch


    No problems

    Guide By Pinoy2201
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  2. One word....
    Nandub! or

    You also might wanna keep your eye on the new codec XVID.

    If you really wanna use the DivX4.xx and have less quality..... or

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  3. NeverLift it is a NewBie guide for people who are only starting out im not saying to stick wit this method but its a easy way to start in the DivX Society
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  4. I see.
    Here is a good review of all the codecs.....
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  5. yea i also suggest to check out the new XVID Codec for advance DivX Encoders out totally in the legue of DivX4 and DivX3 and it only in alpha state,might even surpass the two major codecs it in the future
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  6. Guest
    Huy Pinoy2201 ... kamusta kabayan. Kaso sino naman may gusto manood nang Divx. Diba mas mabuti kung ang output eh pwede I play sa Standalone DVD player
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  7. Hello,
    i have a problem with ASPI.
    I'm not very well with english, so sorry me
    I try to install ASPIManager, but the program doesn't work correctly
    This error is the first... and the program cannot find a dvd drive
    Please help me!
    Thank u

    I 18:51:23 DVD Decrypter Version started!
    I 18:51:23 Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (Build 2195)
    I 18:51:23 Initialising ASPI manager...
    E 18:51:23 Unable to initialise ASPI manager!
    E 18:51:23 Reason: Impossibile trovare il modulo specificato.
    E 18:51:23 You need to install an ASPI manager.
    E 18:51:23 If you haven't got one, try searching the web for a program called 'ForceASPI'.
    W 18:51:23 Drive C:\ (FAT32) does not support files > 4 GB
    W 18:51:23 Drive F:\ (FAT32) does not support files > 4 GB
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  8. Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
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    about DVDx and divx

    I am using directly DVDx 1.8 to rip my DVD and to compress them into divx but i have a problem , each time i play the movie with windows media player parts of the movie are on some kind of fast forward and we cant hear the audio .

    it happens several time each ripping .

    Please someone help me !!! by the way i have the video codec 4.1 , downloaded from the divx site
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  9. Have you tried playing it with 'The Playa'
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  10. hi, well i'm so fustrated because my sound doesnt match with my video. What is the problem???????????????????????????????????????//

    this is my msn messanger if you want to contac me:

    Aol Instant Messanger is


    any help highly appriciated
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  11. help! i cant load IFOs, i do everything rite but when i try opening the IFO i get this error "MPEG2DEC: Error during decoder initilisation" i tried messing with all the options, but to no avail. please help.

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  12. I not sure if Im posting in the right place here for a reply, but everytime I try to create Divx file from DVD file I always get 2 files. After over 6 hours of encoding the 1st file doesnt play and the 2nd file gets the last 10minutes of the movie and looks and sounds perfect.
    What am i do wrong? Im using DVDx 1.8a. and have both divx codes 3.11 an 4.12 installed.
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  13. Hey everybody siince have havent gone to this topic for a long time here re all the answers:

    to get all the progs go here:

    ender2077: try a later version of DVDx mostly 1.6 or 1.7

    Drummino: you neeed ASPI Drivers download ASPI Driver at the link adove

    mrpopo: try reripping
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  14. Hey.... I just did a 36 minute dvd -> DivX using your method and it worked it perfectly but now I got another one thats 57 minutes and it puts it into 2 .avi files....... I have divx movies that are at least an hour and a half long and are in one .avi file....... how would I go about getting it to be one and so that I can fit it onto a 80min CD-R? I really appreciate a speedy reply

    my email is
    thanx again
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  15. I need help. I followed the guide exactly and when i play my dvd rip the sound is off and i get an error tords the end of the ripping with the sound about a blank spot in the sound. Then u have to pick yes or no and i picked yes. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks in advance.
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  16. Dosen't anyone want to help me
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  17. hey im finally getting time to mess around with ripping dvds. but im having just a minor problem with dvdx 2.0. when i open the ifo for my movie it only encodes sections at a time... is that how it works?? or is there a way in dvdx that i can encode the whole movie in one shot. ive done what the guide said and picked the file with longest running time but it stops and i have to rename the next section of the encoding so it wont overwrite the previous encoding section. any help would be nice. thanks

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  18. man you all are having a lot of trouble.
    without going into much detail, I use smartripper to rip the dvd.
    Then under video select the IFO and make sure you push the "whole botton".
    Get the latest version of DivX, Smartripper, and DvdX.
    I have had no trouble with this program. I don't know about this guide. I think someone needs to make a new guide.
    Maybe ill work on this. If someone can tell me the name and/or location of a screen capture program I will make a better guide.
    Please e-mail me with info on a screen capture program and i will go to work
    Quote Quote  
  19. From post above:

    If you have trouble running windows then you have no right trying to rip or produce VCD's, DVD's Divx, or any type of films. Pretty soon there will be a program that will make all this a peice of cake, untill then leave it up to the pro's
    Everyone has to start somewhere. And having said that......

    Um, I am definately a noob when it comes to this movie stuff but I *can* tell you this -

    You don't need a special screen capture program to get regular screen captures.
    When you have something on the screen - just hit "Print screen" on your keyboard.
    Then go to your graphics editing program such as Paintshop Pro or whatever and "Paste". Crop it down to what you want and save.

    I'm hoping this guide will be updated soon
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  20. Well "somebodeez"
    Doesn't sound like you have trouble running windows to me so why would you take offense to my comment?
    If you know how to run a basic opperating system then I'm sure you can pick up on all this ripping and producing of DivX and VCD's. ect...
    Not quite sure I understand your complaint.
    If someone can't figure out how to run windows then they need to spend more time learning the basics before they jump in the deep end.
    You may be a Newbie but eveyone is at one time or another.
    I look foward to possibly D/Ling some of your rips one day.
    I am not trying to discurage anyone from learing. We are here in vcdHELP
    wich is the best place to learn in my opion. Glad you found us and I hope you find helpfull guides in here and become a pro real soon.
    I just hope you know how to turn off your computer when you finish your ripp.
    see what I mean?
    Best luck to you!!
    Quote Quote  
  21. Ohh ya.
    By the way. to everyone in here wanting to rip DVD to Divx may I suggest the most simple program in the world
    Vidomi encoder.
    Simply use smartripper to rip the dvd to hard drive.
    then use a calculator to calculate bitrate.
    load DVD2AVI.
    Open the first .vob
    hit f5
    write down all the info
    if DVD2AVI calls the Video type "Film" then it is NTSC 23.97
    other wise it will say NTSC for 29.97 Or Pal for 24 ect..
    then use Vidomi. Under settings go threw all the settings, plug in all info.
    crop the image under "Select soure range"

    I think I will make a guide for this one. There is no metion of it here in VCDHELP and I think it is the easiest program to use.
    Good luck all. Happy ripping
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  22. Originally Posted by dj_doc
    Well "somebodeez"
    Doesn't sound like you have trouble running windows to me so why would you take offense to my comment?

    If you know how to run a basic opperating system then I'm sure you can pick up on all this ripping and producing of DivX and VCD's. ect...
    Not quite sure I understand your complaint.
    If someone can't figure out how to run windows then they need to spend more time learning the basics before they jump in the deep end.
    You may be a Newbie but eveyone is at one time or another.
    I look foward to possibly D/Ling some of your rips one day.
    I am not trying to discurage anyone from learing. We are here in vcdHELP
    wich is the best place to learn in my opion. Glad you found us and I hope you find helpfull guides in here and become a pro real soon.
    I just hope you know how to turn off your computer when you finish your ripp.
    see what I mean?
    Best luck to you!!
    No complaints here and I'm not offended. It just struck me - I don't know - rather odd that someone would know how to do all of this really neat movie stuff but not know about simple screenshots. But then after posting that, I thought about it some more (I really should stop and think more often before posting) - I know someone who is a computer genius when it comes to fixing hardware and networking issues which is something waaaaay out of my league but then again, he doesn't know a thing about HTML and I do (a bit)
    So each of us has our own areas of computer knowledge and I am truly thankful that there are places like this to help me learn a new (to me) computer skill.
    Please forgive me.

    Hey BTW - I just did my first rip last night
    Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

    We're suppose to turn our computers off after a rip?!
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  23. Originally Posted by dj_doc
    Ohh ya.
    By the way. to everyone in here wanting to rip DVD to Divx may I suggest the most simple program in the world
    Vidomi encoder.
    Simply use smartripper to rip the dvd to hard drive.
    then use a calculator to calculate bitrate.
    load DVD2AVI.
    Open the first .vob
    hit f5
    write down all the info
    if DVD2AVI calls the Video type "Film" then it is NTSC 23.97
    other wise it will say NTSC for 29.97 Or Pal for 24 ect..
    then use Vidomi. Under settings go threw all the settings, plug in all info.
    crop the image under "Select soure range"

    I think I will make a guide for this one. There is no metion of it here in VCDHELP and I think it is the easiest program to use.
    Good luck all. Happy ripping
    Oh my yes - please do a giude for this! It sounds great
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  24. Great guide...

    Have a few questions though:

    I followed your directions to the letter, but when the movie is finished the audio and video don't sync. I have that box checked on the input setup. I don't get it. I tried the DivX 5.0.2 codec as well with the same results.

    I also ripped it with SmartRipper as well, thinking it might be a bad rip, didn't change, and I tried different movies as well.

    I am encoding at the same freq (NTSC), and at 720 x 480.

    My question is:

    Have you heard of this happening before, and in your experience is it a ripping issue or an encoding issue(settings)?

    Any help would be appriciated.

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  25. i did everything right, then at the last part, when i am suppose to open up the IFO file, it says, no corresponding vob file found. When in fact there are VOB files in that folder, and everything was done properly. Tell me what i am doing wrong, or what is happening,thanks a lot.
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  26. Member
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    Atlantic Beach, Fl
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    sorry wrong post
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  27. can you bourn a watch a divx on your standalone or do you have to convert it to mpg?? Been getting mixed replies on the sobject?
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  28. sorry guys for not cheacking up on ths guide i didnt have time..but ill answer soem Qs now:

    1st: Spanky_1 sorry never had that problem try one of the guides to try to fix the sync issues

    2nd: bogary try reripping

    3rd: Crow u cant play it on a Standalone yet...u do need to convert to VCD or SVCD to play on a standalone
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  29. I was pretty sure you couldn't but.........
    never hurts to ask!
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  30. not sure if this topic is still alive or not but i followed the guide and my rip worked flawlessly thanks a lot pinoy!

    I only have one question, the sound and video in my movies are really good but when i try to skip forward/back the sound is thrown way off. How can i stop it from doing this so i can easily skip threw a movie without worrying about the sound screwing up.

    thanks again
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