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  1. Member bioshockfan24's Avatar
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    I am trying to download the videos from from a site that has the olympics (national broadcast company . com )
    I used Grab++, Orbit, WM Recorder, and URL Snooper.
    I did manage to download the video through WM Recorder (It was under 5 minutes to begin with). However the video recorded as it played - example, the video had to bugger twice in IE (not using silverlight) and was choppy and lagged, thus the final .wmv does the same thing. However the final WMV is a full 11MB+ file. Is there a reason as to why it did that? (I have a Cable connection so the buffering is relatively fast) however when I had silverlight it did not need to buffer and loaded quickly with no lagging..

    I have spent hours trying to get these videos and I am still at a standstill.

    Are there other programs I should try?

    Grab++ finds the URLS, they are mms and rtsp BUT the file size is not specified. Nothing shows up in my Temp Internet files.

    I also get errors in WM Player - first i can play the file and then later i get an error video.

    n b c has these URLs tighter then a drum >

    Thanks !
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  2. someone else was trying for the same files during the olympics and never had any luck either. the files are split up into hundreds of tiny pieces and stored in the normal docs&settings\user name\local settings\temp folder. there just isn't anyway to put them back together at this time.
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  3. Member bioshockfan24's Avatar
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    Thank you for your reply!
    I managed to download the video through WM Recorder, but it was chopping but stilled played, any particular reason for that?
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