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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
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    hello, i'm trying to prepare a DVD with visualizations to be shown inside a restaurant. The assembly contains some movies that i realize with a minidv camera, and some images captured directly from the PC. To capture images from the pc, i use camstudio, while for assembly i use premiere pro. My problem is that when i capture visualizations from winamp or videos from youtube, not always the result is optimal. Often, in fact, even if during the capture there are no particular problems, when I go to manage the video with premiere, it is often delayed, sometimes you see in slow increments, sometimes premier doesn't even play the clip. I think the problem is to use the right codec with the right settings. After two weeks of work i still can't have good settings.There is someone who knows something and can give me a help?

    thank you

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