Hi, I'm a newbie to AV applications software and I was experimenting with trying to rip a DVD recorded from TV so that I couild edit it. I used Nero Recode but it didn't appear to be working. I've now uninstalled Nero and downloaded a number of other freeware applications for decoding, authoring et al.
However, it also appears that Recode worked because I've discovered an AVI file of the programme in a folder in My Documents. But, when I try to open it it tells me that it requires 'vids:XVID' decompressor. Is this a codec I can download or part of the now deleted Nero?
Thanks, Ian
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Hi jagabo, thanks for the really quick response. Once I've downloaded either of these will a media player, e.g. Windows Media player automatically detect the codec or is there something else I have to do, such as locate the codec and put into a folder?
Thanks again, I've just downloaded and will have a good read of the help files tomorrow!
Hi Jagabo, thanks for the link to the codec. I'd already downloaded ffdshow and as you thought media players will use this application and its codecs. I checked Wikipedia for some more info on it and I'll do some experimentation and learn about configuring it. If I'm struggling I'll just download the codec.
Thanks, Ian
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