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Poll: Do you put your cellphone on vibrate or do you use a ringtone?

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  1. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    So do you put your phone on a ringtone or do you leave it on vibrate?

    At work I leave it on vibrate all the time. Sometimes if I drop my car off for an oil change I might switch to a ringtone but only rarely. To me ringtones are a plague on humanity. Something to be abolished.

    How about you?????
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  2. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    I agree about 'ring-tone irritation'. I use one that is just a hum. Not too irritating. I have a overpowering urge at times to choke some idiots to death because of their ring-tones, especially in inappropriate locations or situations. I do use the vibrate function most times if I leave it in my pocket.
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  3. Sorry if I step on anybodies toes, however I get tired of hearing 1/2 a conversation wherever I go from cell phone users. Noise pollution to me. Not to mention watching cars wandering all over the road as they concentrate on the phone call and not the driving.

    Use a cellphone? The only reason I ever answer a phone excluding at work are the rare occasions when I actually get a real phone call at home and not telemarketing - marketing crud.

    I don't even have a long distance carrier. When I used to get calls telling me how much I can save by switching to a cell phone for long distance they never believed me when I answered that I don't do long distance.

    I wish people would leave them on Vibrate or off when they come into where I work. I get so tired of the noise pollution by cheesy ringtones.

    A phone ringing should sound like a phone period.

    OT: I feel sad for people that everywhere they go they have to be in touch via phone.... Whatever happened to in person? Or thos einstant messenger programs filling the screen. Some of the computers I get for repair have 3 or 4 IM programs running. Privacy??
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  4. If it's on, it's on vibrate. I hate ringtones.
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    You should have had the option of both. I do..
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  6. Member crazy14muzic's Avatar
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    i do both myself. i work in a noisy environment. so i can't hear it most of the time. but some phones i have had in the past have had such a weak vibrate function the only way you could feel it was if you were holding it in your hand
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  7. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    I don't put it in my pocket (desk at work, dresser at home, cup holder in car), so I use a ringtone. If in a store or out and about, it's on low volume or mute. If I don't want to be bothered, it's on mute, don't have to answer it. I have family and friends all over the U.S., no way to avoid long distance. What I do NOT have is a house phone, no need for it. It was VOIP before I cut it off, cost too much.
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  8. Banned
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    Cell phones are nothing more than an inconvenience, nuisance, PITA!!!!!!

    If i don't wanna talk to you at home on the landline... what makes you think i wanna talk to you while i'm shopping for groceries, or think i might hear it while i'm out cruising on my bike ??

    And i sure don't wanna hear YOUR lame ass convo while standing in line at the grocery store or in the post office or, ect ect ect....... you are not cool or looking important.... you are just being an annoying @$$hole yapping on your cell phone trying to make other people think you are as cool as you imagine yourself to be 8)

    In case you could not tell..... i don't have and have never seen a real use for cell phones other than self indulgence

    maybe a couple of people that may really need it for business..... but that is still just an illusion 8)

    Hey.... look at me!!!!!!!!! i'm cool and have a stupid little ear piece so you can hear my big trap yapping away trying to look cool and important

    Can ya feel the sarcasm :P

    And i'm not even going to go into the "donkeys" who think they can yap on their cell phones while driving and being oblivious to everyone else on the road

    just in case no one could guess... i voted "I don't use a cellphone"
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  9. Member
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    Always on vibrate. Depending on location, may also have it set to ring just once. I'm a call back person, not an answer the phone person. So, 1 ring is enough. Most of the time, I wear my phone on a string around my neck listening to audio books.

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  10. If I'm in a meeting or conference call I put my phone on vibrate,the rest of the time I set it to ring.
    Side notetarting on July 1 using a cellphone while driving in California without a hands-free device will be illegal,they give an exception for "emergencies".I'd like to know how they are going to enforce it.
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  11. Cellphone? What's that?'s that thing work gave me which I use about once a week...and then usually for incoming calls.

    My landlines (work and home) are equally as deluged with important calls.
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  12. Member Epicurus8a's Avatar
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    I keep my cell phone in vibrate whenever my wife is away.....
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  13. Member ViRaL1's Avatar
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    I use a ringtone when I'm out and about because vibrate doesn't always work. When I'm at work, it's usually on vibrate. The same thing goes for the movies, library and anywhere else where it might be a nuisance. But if I'm in a store, or some other public place where it's not expected that people keep quiet then I'll turn the ringer on so I can hear it. I'm not one of those people that just lets it ring incessantly so they can hear their favorite song each time they get a call (although mine is Voodoo Child). I envy those of you who don't need a cell phone for work, but for those of who are actually on call 24/7, there's no way around it.

    I normally use a headset whenever I can because I like having my hands free. I have to say the one of the dumbest things I've seen is the people with the corded headsets who hold the phone with one hand and use the other hand to hold the mic in front of their mouth. We've taken a 1-handed device, added a hands free device and now we have a 2-handed device...I don't get it.
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  14. Member Xylob the Destroyer's Avatar
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    I'm a little hard of hearing, I have a LOUD ring tone that sounds like an old school phone with bells inside it ringing.
    Always have the ringer cranked.
    If I'm in a situation where it is inappropriate for your phone to ring, I put it on silent, not vibrate.
    If it's important, they'll leave a message.
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  15. Member oldandinthe way's Avatar
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    I don;t turn it on unless I am making a call.
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  16. Member Nitemare's Avatar
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    I don't have one. Only recently I got one for my wife because she went back to work (damn economy) and she has asthma... and he car doesn't run the greatest. (damn economy) The phone is alwasy turned off unless she needs it, which she hasn't so far.

    I don't personally have the need for a cell phone. I hate talking on any phone and I certainly don't want to do it when I'm away from home. Half the time I don't answer my phone at home either. Love caller I.D.
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  17. Member painkiller's Avatar
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    I use a ringtone when not in a meeting with other employees.
    One for general ringing.
    Some phonebook entries have unique ringtones so I know who's calling without looking at the phone.

    When I take/make a call, I leave the area.

    Certain places, like a theater, I turn it off.
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  18. Member Xylob the Destroyer's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by painkiller
    ...Some phonebook entries have unique ringtones so I know who's calling without looking at the phone...
    possibly the greatest feature ever implemented on cell phones.
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  19. Someone please report to the Mounties about the Yoda313's identity theft on !!

    The culprit is Leonardo - the leader of the dance group TMNT.
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  20. Member dadrab's Avatar
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    For years my phone was only set to vibrate. Then, in my infinite wisdom, I decided an upgrade in equipment was in order. The damn vibrate on that upstanding, updated device is from crap, so I'm forced to use a ringtone in some situations. Only a regular phone sound for me, though.

    Usually I just blow off calls anyway, but it's nice to know when a call comes through so I can make a choice.

    I agree with the comments about silly-ass ringtones.

    ...irritating as Hell...

    Like the guy who has a Tarzan call set as his tone. That phone's going to find its way up his...well, you get the point. And what call's so almighty important that you can't enjoy a meal without a damn ear bud sticking out looking like a Borg implant.

    "You will be assimilated" my ass. You've already BEEN assimilated.
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  21. Originally Posted by Xylob the Destroyer
    [regarding different ringtones for different numbers]
    possibly the greatest feature ever implemented on cell phones.
    I'll second that. And while I vehemently oppose using a cell phone while driving, or answering calls in public and making a nuisance of yourself, slamming cell phones for being cell phones is like slamming computers for being computers. It's the idiot behind the on-switch that makes life annoying for the rest of us.

    Frankly I'm a little surprised that there are so many "disgruntled" cell-phone people in this thread -- if you're talking "use a ringtone" as in "play several minutes of some crappy mp3 rap song that everybody hates before opening your #$@# phone," then I'm in total agreement. But if it's use a ringtone because you've got a different "tone" for each number -- and that tone may be short and simple, as all my tones are -- then it's an extremely useful tool because you can quickly tell who's calling you, without needing to look at the phone. Then you can decide if it's important or not, very quickly.

    One thing nobody has mentioned yet -- cell-phones can be incredibly useful things for older people, people with health issues, and the like, and when traveling they can be literal life savers. My father is 73 years old and still rides his bicycle daily, we're talking 30-50 miles *per day*. Yeah, he's an old codger, in very good health, and I have him on my cell phone plan because if he's out somewhere and something happens to him, he can call me any time and I can either help him myself or contact authorities quickly.

    A couple of months ago he was out for a walk, and suddenly found himself getting more and more progressively out of breath. He called me from his cell, I go get him, we head to the emergency room, and he's got a couple of blood clots in his lungs. Fortunately he's recovering extremely well, but I really don't like to think about what could have happened if he hadn't been able to contact me so quickly.

    So, yeah, people who play crappy tunes on their cell phones are inconsiderate. But I'll take a cell phone over a landline any day!
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  22. Originally Posted by MOVIEGEEK
    If I'm in a meeting or conference call I put my phone on vibrate,the rest of the time I set it to ring.
    Side notetarting on July 1 using a cellphone while driving in California without a hands-free device will be illegal,they give an exception for "emergencies".I'd like to know how they are going to enforce it.
    They've had something similar here in NJ for a while. I still see lots of peaople weaving down the road holding the Censored Cellphone to their ear with one hand, trying to tune the radio wit the the other or smoking.
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  23. Originally Posted by MOVIEGEEK
    Side notetarting on July 1 using a cellphone while driving in California without a hands-free device will be illegal,they give an exception for "emergencies".I'd like to know how they are going to enforce it.
    Ditto for NC.
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  24. Member Xylob the Destroyer's Avatar
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    I won't answer the phone while I'm driving.
    Nor will I dial while driving.
    If I know before I get behind the wheel that somebody may be calling (I'm expecting a call but I KNOW I have to drive somewhere), I will put on the hands-free device first and put my phone in a position that makes it super easy to answer, THEN I start driving.
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  25. Member painkiller's Avatar
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    With regard to hands-free devices.

    My Tom-Tom 720 will automatically answer in 5 secs. So I never have to reach for it.

    I don't make calls on it.
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  26. Member Nitemare's Avatar
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    In PA it's illegal to drive holding the phone. A "hands free" device MUST be used for in vehicle calls OR you have to pull off to the side of the road to talk.

    Having said that, I see idiots driving while holding the phone all the time. They don't get pulled over or anything...
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  27. Banned
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    Yes indeed that depends on where am I, most time I will use the ringtone.
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  28. Member dcsos's Avatar
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    Did anyone get a phantom ring syndrome?
    Vibration seeming when the cell's not on your person!
    like it feels like its vibrating when you're naked even!

    What's that about? I use a ringtone
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  29. Member
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    I like to use ringtones. My phone is vibrating quite weak. Without the suonerie, I can't tell when the call will be coming
    Last edited by adwardkenan; 15th May 2020 at 23:48.
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  30. "Keeping it Weird" Austinfilmstock's Avatar
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    I just turn it off. ( yes 12 years later )
    Last edited by Austinfilmstock; 7th Mar 2020 at 02:21. Reason: silly reply
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