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  1. I have tried the old sansa media converter for the older sansa but the videos are not compatible, so how do I use a tool similar to ffmpeg or along the lines of free/open source to do this?

    Thank you.
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  2. Mod Neophyte redwudz's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
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    From what I'm seeing, 'WMV, MP3, WAV, MPEG-4, AAC, Secure WMA, JPEG' are the formats it can use. With that, I would try WMV. I have no idea what they mean by 'MPEG-4'? It could be Xvid to H264. The AAC hints a possibility of H.264. Low bitrate, compact files, I would favor WMV at a reduced frame size as the display appears to be about 2.4 inches. It may handle low bitrates better than some of the other formats. You could go to Sansa's site for better info. Didn't it come with some software?


    EDIT: Here's more info on formats if this is the proper model: H.264 is listed.

    You can also look in our 'Tools' section for portable devices:
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