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  1. Member
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    I spent all weekend trying to upload a video to youtube. I converted about 15 minutes of VHS footage to MPEG-4 format. The MPEG's were actually 3 separate files I wanted to join the first two together and post a part one and a part 2, since youtube allows only about 10 minutes of video.

    I could never get the .mov file to upload on youtube. I grew fustraded with the several attempts I made. I decided to give iMovie a try thinking it would be easier, and with the upload right to youtube, I thought I could not go wrong.

    Putting the video together is easy. Keep in mind I am barely editing this. I need to take out a few seconds of commercial material, but no transitions, no fades, no audio work, no color, not much of anything more than trimming.

    I upload the video with ease, but when I look at the video the sound is way off the mouths, I mean way off, like a good 3-5 seconds. It looks like shit.

    I am using the Pinnacle Dazzle USB on my iMAc 20" screen. I didn't want to spend a fortune on conversion software, this was only $100 bucks. I thought it would do the trick. Am I wrong thinking that iMove or FC express will not work with MPEG-4's

    Please help

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  2. aBigMeanie aedipuss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
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    should be ok. make sure size and total bitrate are in line with youtube specs. something like 320x240 with vbr mp3 and a total bitrate under 350kbps.
    "a lot of people are better dead" - prisoner KSC2-303
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