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  1. i just got a Panasonic PV-GS500, i have a telephoto and wide angle lense for it with a bunch of filters to use, 2 tripods, 2 batteries, bunch of miniDV tapes, etc...

    i actually got this camera from Tom Green, he was selling his old cam's on ebay from his online show since he is going to HD now, the camera isn't of studio quality or anything, but it seems pretty good, altho the GS400 would be nicer from what i hear.

    basically i'll just be using this to record some car races, some in car shots, drag races, auto-cross and doing some creative little videos myself.

    is it worth it to buy a better mic and more lenses for this? or just use it as point and shoot as most think its made for?

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  2. Member edDV's Avatar
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    Pro: A 3CCD SD cam with good daylight capability.

    Con: Limited manual exposure and audio control vs. GS400 or higher end Sony VX2000. Not great in low light.

    A wide adapter is always useful. Beyond that it depends on your production plan.

    This is a good read.
    Recommends: - Loans that change lives.
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  3. gotcha. i think i will get some lenses now and a light. just not sure about what lenses i can buy?
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  4. Member edDV's Avatar
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    Northern California, USA
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    Originally Posted by ShadowParadox
    gotcha. i think i will get some lenses now and a light. just not sure about what lenses i can buy?
    Screw in adapter lenses lower quality but you may need extended tele zoom for auto races. You will also need a very heavy and stable tripod plus remote zoom controls. Just touching the cam will cause your target car to jump out of frame.

    Get some experience before spending money. Understand the problem before looking for a solution. The stock lens will cover most needs. You just need camera positions that get closer in the turns where cars are moving slower, then let them speed into distance. The wide adapter is useful for close in hand held shots.

    This is what the pros use. Note tripod and isolated fly by wire pan/tilt/zoom controls. Actual fine pan/tilt/zoom is done by fluid damped motors with manual override for repointing the cam.

    These are examples of remote/isolated zoom controls for other Panasonic camcorder models. Look for one that works with the GS500 and your tripod.

    Another approach is a jib or pole mount with full remote.

    Recommends: - Loans that change lives.
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