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  1. Hi

    I'm looking for a way to get this little flash video:

    When I open the activity window (under "window") I'm able to save it to my desktop. However, it woun't play neither in quicktime, nor in falsh, nor everything else I've tried and says it's protected. Any ideas somebody? Thank you for your help!

    oh... "getflash" seems to be very good, it just doesn't work on Mac...
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    tried firefox with the downloadhelper ?
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  3. Thanks for your suggestion... I can download it (works fine with Safari, as well as with the Firefox downloadhelper). But when I want to open the file with VLC I get an error message saying: "ffmpeg: Seeking too far : EOF?" (whatever that means?!?)

    Any other ideas? Thanks for your help.
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  4. VH Wanderer Ai Haibara's Avatar
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    What version of VLC are you using?

    Does the file play properly in another player? I can't remember if mplayer plays FLVs, but you can also try one or more of the following players:

    ...I personally haven't tried any of them, though. Also, if you have a system that can use Perian (my old iBook still uses Panther ), you might be able to play the FLV through Quicktime.
    If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them?
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  5. for the VLC-player version I'm using: it's 0.8.6f and I've updated it yesterday

    I've tried all the other players - but unfortunatley none of them works with the there anything else I could try?

    thanks for your help!
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  6. VH Wanderer Ai Haibara's Avatar
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    Okay, I've checked the actual page (yes, I realize I should've done that in the first place ), and I've discovered the problem: the video is an SWF, not an FLV. (The actual filename of the video, that I saw, was 'neuro4.swf'.)

    If you have it saved with the .flv extension, rename it to .swf. VLC doesn't play SWF, however. The first player I mentioned in the list above claims to also handle SWFs, but as I mentioned, I haven't tried it. (For SWFs, on my iBook, I use both the Macromedia/Adobe standalone Flash player (actually, I haven't updated it in a while... ) and iSwiff ( ).)
    If cameras add ten pounds, why would people want to eat them?
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  7. Yes!! That's it!!! Hey Ai Haibara, thank you so much for taking the time to help me! That solved the issue. as a .swf I can actually play it either with the SAFlash Player or with SWF & FLV Player that I have found on the Apple downloads pages for free (in case anybody else is looking for a swf/player...)

    Again thank you! I'm so happy that I can download and play files like that... that way I can show them to my mom who doesn't have a fast internet connection...

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