I have a video I want to stream from my PC, to another PC, it is my own file. I have used many tutorials but none really work. Is it possible to stream my video to my friend's PC through VLC? Will he be able to watch it through VLC? And do I need to buy a server to stream or can I do P2P?
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These are the steps I have tried:
- "File"
- "wizard"
- select "stream to network" then "next"
- "select a stream" and chose my video file, then "next"
- I selected "RTP/Unicast" and then entered my friend's IP address, then selected "next"
- I then selected "MPEG TS" and then "next"
- Then selected "finish"
- I then selected "settings", "add interface" and "web interface"
Then on my friends PC, he selected:
- "File"
- "Open Network Stream"
- Made sure "UDP/RTP" were selected and then he selected "OK"
Nothing happened, am I right to say that the video should stream on his VLC player?
Why is it not working? -
Try instead HTTP streaming.
And are you behind a firewall? -
yes I am behind a firewall, only windows firewall set on standard
still not working, for HTTP I need a website which I don't have
I have tried turning of my firewall and streaming via RTP and HTTP but no luck
I have SopCast, I have an account and I've registered my channel, when I stream my channel and I monitor it, its working perfectly, but for some reason, my stream is not appearing for my peers and sometimes doesn't appear on the channel list.
I have:
Package: 8 MBps
Download Speed: 1489 KB/s
Upload Speed: 242 KB/s
Latency: 105ms
Limited Internet to 10GB -
I have read somewhere that you need 2000 KB/s upload speed, but I don't really know any connection with that kind of speed.
I did something like this a while back
Now, form the gist of it
Open windows media encoder
When asked for port number, make sure you don't use a port used by any other process
Select other options till its ready and waiting for friend to connect
I would suggest you set it in this case for the friend to pull stream, rather than just join while its currently running, or they might miss the start.
Depending on connection, example for dsl user
Login to router, and allow required port to pass, it might be port forwarding, but Im not sure, was a while back
Save and reboot modem for changes to remain permanent
Grab a utility which can show external ip (non-static users)
If static ip, there's no problem, but if it's non-static, you need to change the link to reflect the change in ip, or friend will bug you about being unable to view stream.
Lets say video is ... myvideo.wmv ... of course were talking windows media encoder here
Then external ip / my video : port number
So we might have something like this example
Basically you have to give your friend the external ip, with video name, and port number ... as example above, then if ip dosent change, and port number is forwarded correctly, your friend should see all your glory.
Then its all down to available bandwidth you have on the upside ... your the one sending it and if more than one person tries at a time, it could be anything else but pretty on their end ... receivers.
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