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  1. Member
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    Ok well new on these forumz, been searching around looking for somewhere noting one question i have?

    Currently im making videos on youtube, and the camera i am using now, well its garbage...
    So im in the market to purchase a new one...

    im guessing obviously minidv - 3ccd - around the price range of 500-1000$ - audio capture very good - (maybe a handle on top?) - any things i would be looking at ? right now the only camera i know is the panasonic something something 500 some store mentioned...

    Thx for the input...
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  2. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    flamex911, in the future please use a more descriptive subject title in your posts to allow others to search for similar topics. I will change yours this time. From our rules:
    Try to choose a subject that describes your topic.
    Please do not use topic subjects like Help me!!! or Problems.
    Moderator redwudz

    And welcome to our forums.
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  3. Can you post a link to an example video that is garbage and one that, in your mind, is what you are after?

    Can you expand on *why* they are garbage?

    $500 - $1000 is unlikely to get you off the garbage heap. 3CCDs don't come that cheap unless you buy used.

    Most likely your solution will come in the form of lighting, exposure, angles etc rather than a slight step up in technical quality.
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  4. If you do only youtube (crap), no need of an high end camcorder
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  5. Member
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    Ok well this is one of my videos...the camera is old i dunno some sony which was made when the first firewire to computer idea kicked in...
    All i know is the video is not too bad becuase its youtube but at the same time the audio is kinda crap...
    and doesnt Panisonic have a cheaper 3CCD camera? Like im not looking for movie production style movies...I just love making movies and editing them...and then seeing people laugh at them - thats my goal
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  6. Member
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    maybe able to do some slow mo if possible...?
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  7. Member
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    Originally Posted by cd090580
    If you do only youtube (crap), no need of an high end camcorder
    Well Ms. Mars why not re-upload vid of love machine so it's in stereo. You should also mention to append &fmt=18 to get the stereo version for the one you most recently uploaded (EXPO PHOTO). YT will eventually automate this stuff. They started the h.264 aac in stereo Mar. 9th. So any stereo stuff you happened to upload on or after that date should be encoded in the stereo version. (edit: I hear they're going to encode whatever is on their servers to the new version, eventually)
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