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  1. Member
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    hello friends!

    I am trying to create a vcd with movie clips and a simple menu where I can press 1, 2 or 3 to jump to the clip. Chapters do not matter for the time being.

    I have VCDEasy.

    But I am having a strange problem. After I burn the cd, on my pc power dvd player when I press any of 1, 2 or 3 the menu disappears for a sec and then reappears and now pressing any button takes me to proper sequence.

    My standalone sony's dvd player is showing different behavior. Whichever number I press it takes me to the first sequence.

    I have tried these guides but getting same behaior:

    What am I doing wrong here?

    EDIT: I have attached the XML file which has been created by VCDEasy in the same folder where it created BIN and CUE.

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  2. Banned
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    Maybe your $ony dvd-player simply sucks
    And how about trying VCDImager
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  3. Member
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    Originally Posted by Midzuki
    Maybe your $ony dvd-player simply sucks
    And how about trying VCDImager
    but it is not working properly on powerdvd as well. As I said I have to press the button twice to open the sequence.

    VCDImages is a console based tool which i think is beyond my capabilities.
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  4. Banned
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    VCDImager does have a GUI --- no need to mess around with the CLI. 8)
    In fact, all we have to learn about it is understand the XML-formatting and the PBC
    structure of the disk-image --- that really is worth the time and the effort.

    Anyway, you might start by dropping the chapter points from the authoring
    and check whether that makes some difference (for better, I hope). Another change
    that might be interesting is:

    [s:fa0f7cfc2a]return ref="Selection-end"[/s:fa0f7cfc2a] <-- drop it or replace with return ref="Selection-000"

    Having two distinct values for the same instruction might be confusing the
    playback virtual machines of Power DVD and of your $ony set-top.

    HTH. Good-luck
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  5. Member
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    Originally Posted by Midzuki
    VCDImager does have a GUI --- no need to mess around with the CLI. 8)
    In fact, all we have to learn about it is understand the XML-formatting and the PBC
    structure of the disk-image --- that really is worth the time and the effort.

    Anyway, you might start by dropping the chapter points from the authoring
    and check whether that makes some difference (for better, I hope). Another change
    that might be interesting is:

    [s:b0ef110054]return ref="Selection-end"[/s:b0ef110054] <-- drop it or replace with return ref="Selection-000"

    Having two distinct values for the same instruction might be confusing the
    playback virtual machines of Power DVD and of your $ony set-top.

    HTH. Good-luck
    it seems that vcdimager does not support menus. All it does is take input of mpeg files and create bin/cue files.
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  6. Banned
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    GNU VCDImager Tools GUI

    This is a simple GUI (graphical user interface) for the various tools in the Win32 build of GNU VCDImager 0.7.12 suite of programs (including VCDXGEN, VCDXBUILD, VCDXRIP, VCDXMINFO, VCDDEBUG, VCDIMAGER and CDXA2MPEG).

    This programs provides a simple and convenient front-end for those people unfamiliar, uncomfortable or dislike the use of the command console. Being a simple GUI, however, this program is not an XML authoring aid like VCDEasy ( or TSCV.

    This program also supports and provides a GUI for lkVCDxBUILD and lkVCDxRIP. The lkVCDImager project is is a fork of VCDImager by Laurens H. Koehoorn, alias 'Betamax'. The current included version is

    The program is released as "Free Software" under GPL and is freeware. However, if you find this program useful, please support the project by donating securely via PayPal. You can find details and links on doing so at Thank you!

    Saturday, 1 February 2003
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