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    I am trying to convert an HD movies that is in MKV to MP4 so that I can view it on the Playstation 3. However, I have tried things like Gotsent, Ripbot and even my own trick. But they all fail to do it. The file is in 2 parts, I had them both on DVD's for quite a long time. The 2nd part converted just fine, but not the 1st part of the video.

    When I try using Gotsent, it tries to adjust the headers and I get the error couldn't find SegmentInfo. I tried getting it to convert to mpeg2, but that did not work either, ffmpeg just crashes saying FFMPEG Conversion error! no output created.

    I tried to use MKVExtract to extract the audio and video so I can put them into MP4 container but it would not work. MKVExtract would extract a total of 42mb of file, includes both audio and video.

    If I use Media Player Classic to play the video, it works fine, I tried checking the whole video by skipping every few minutes, it never crashes when playing the video. So I don't know where the problem is, the video is viewable using Media Classic player, but I can't extract the audio and video.

    I was thinking I might just decide to convert to an mpeg file, is it possible to do so without harming the quality of the video? is it possible to get that stupid raw video & audio out of that stupid MKV container??
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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Could you post the video and audio codecs in the mkv? Identify the mkv with mediainfo.

    You could also try mkv2vob and the vob should work on the ps3.

    But if the mkv is broken you might not be able to convert it. You could try avisynth together with directshowsource() and reconver in some tool.
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