has anybody solved the ,,green´´ DVD menu bug after rendering with Pinnacle Studio 11?
Before rendering, the menu with thumbnails buttons works fine (even with motion menus). But rendered version on the drive or burned on DVD has the menu without buttons and it is all with green background
During trying to find solution through Google, I saw it is common problem with Pinnacle Studio 11.
Thanx for any help
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Originally Posted by P_Cherry
I have run the problem with Pinnacle Support and tried them all but the problem persists.
Have you found a solution from your end? -
I also had that problem. After reading a suggest in other forum, I changed the screen resolution of the computer, and the green screen not appears!!!
I have been trying for weeks to solve the problem with Pinnacle where the DVD menu renders as a green screen, with just the outline of the chapter icons visible on the screen. I FOUND THE ANSWER!!!
When you have multiple menus (example, six chapters on page one, six chapters on page two), and you complete the project, you will see a green line on the time line above the menu portion. It takes a while, but a lighter shade of green is seen progressing from left to right. When the menu page finishes rendering, the line turns orange like the rest of the time line. That means that page of the menu is rendered and ready to burn to the disc. If you select "make movie" before the menu page renders completely (before the line turns orange), you get a green screen for the menu on the finished product.
Here's the kicker. I assumed that when the green render bar finished, all of the menu pages were rendered. NOT SO. I discovered by using the DVD Preview function, going to page two of the menu, and then clicking on the orange bar above the menu on the time line, that the second page of the menu began rendering with the green line. I did this with all four pages, and the final product burned perfectly to the DVD. This is why people are having trouble with additional pages on their menus. The first page renders OK, and the subsequent pages don;t render at all (I don't know why Pinnacle is designed like that). You have to MANUALLY access each page of the menu and it will then start rendering. -
Hi Surg1951!
I have the same green page problem, but your tips do not work for me. If I click on the DVD button in the preview panel and navigate to page 2 and then click on the orange bar above the menu, nothing happens, it is not turning into green, and the output is not rendered. What do I do wrong? -
masikmasik, here are more specific instructions. After your project is completed, click on the DVD preview icon under the preview window in the upper right hand portion of the monitor screen. The first menu page will appear. If you move your cursor down to the timeline, above the menu on the timeline you will see a blue line with an "M1" on it. Click on the blue line. The menu render bar will immediately turn dark green, and you will see the dark green turning light from left to right. Wait until the light green finishes, and then the green bar will disappear completely.
Go back up to the preview window and click on the right arrow at the bottom of the window. You will then see the second menu page appear. Take your cursor again and go down to the timeline above the menu and click on the blue M1 line again. It will turn dark green, and start rendering to light green. Wait until it is completed, and then go back up to the preview window and click on the right arrow again to take you to the menu page three.
Repeat each step until each menu page is rendered from dark green to light green. Now, when you make the movie, and Pinnacle states it is rendering the menus, you will see each menu come up in the preview window. If one of them shows up as a green screen, you missed rendering that menu page.
I have no idea why Pinnacle made it this difficult, or why they don't have any answers for this problem, but since I figured it out, I have not had any more problems with a green screen menu.
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