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  1. Member
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    Nov 2007
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    Hey everyone, just want to say first of all that I've been visiting this site for information for years, and it has helped a great deal and I just want to say great job! This is my first post, and I hope to now make far more use of the forums.

    Now to my problem:

    I have a Dual Layer dvd writer and I just purchased Dual Layer dvds for the first time. I wanted to test it out by making a backup of a DVD that I own, so I found one that is Dual layer and copied it to my PC. I then tried to write it to a Dual Layer dvd using Nero, DVD Shrink, and DVD Decrypter. With all three programs, when it begins to write the lead in track it fails and says cannot continue. It does not; however, write anything to the dvd so the DVD is not ruined and is still empty. I have tried numerous settings and cannot seem to make any progress. If anybody can offer some insight that would be extremely appreciated. Thank you very much!
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  2. Are you using Verbatim dual layer media? No other brand has been found to be consistently reliable for dual layer burning.

    My personal experience is that when a burn fails as you describe the media is ruined even though it doesn't seem that anything was written to it. You may want to try another blank dual layered disc.

    Finally, general agreement is that is the program to use for iso burning.
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  3. Member
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    I am using Fujifilm Dual Layer discs. I just tried imgburn with a new unused DVD and it still failed. I tried twice, with 2 different discs, I am including the log file with this post, maybe that will help shed some light on the problem

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  4. Banned
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    A few suggestions...

    1) Use anything except Verbatim DVD+R DL media and you end up posting here asking why it doesn't work correctly. It happens ALL THE TIME.
    2) I know that DVD-R DL media is quite rare, but if for some reason you actually have -R DL discs and not +R DL discs, you should know that -R DL discs require a very special setting in ImgBurn that is NOT turned on by default or your burns will fail. I feel so strongly that DVD-R DL media is a bad idea that I don't tell people where this setting is or what its value is because I don't want to encourage the use of this bad format.
    3) You may need to update the firmware on your writer. Some manufactuers put out discs that can't be written to correctly until the firmware is updated on the burner.
    4) ImgBurn usually defaults to "max" for burning speed, which may be too fast for your burner with these discs. Try burning at 2.4x speed, which almost never fails for me on Verbatim DVD+R DL discs.
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  5. Mod Neophyte Super Moderator redwudz's Avatar
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    Your log seems to have a .mp3 extension, but when I changed that to .txt, I see these lines of interest:

    I 15:15:28 Destination Device: [0:0:0] PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8801 4D28 (H) (ATA)
    I 15:15:28 Destination Media Type: DVD+R DL (Disc ID: RITEK-D01-01) (Speeds: 2.4x)

    W 15:15:39 Failed to Write Sectors 0 - 31 - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In
    W 15:15:39 Retrying (1 of 20)...
    W 15:15:39 Retry Failed - Session Fixation Error Writing Lead In

    RITEK does not have a good reputation. I would try Verbatim.

    The error was in writing the lead-in, so nothing may have been written to the disc.

    The file appears to be a .mds image file. Those are usually a Alcohol 120% file. But ImgBurn should be able to handle them.

    And welcome to our forums.

    I would examine the DVD stucture of that file. Using ImgBurn, you don't need to create a ISO or .mds file to burn a DVD, just use 'Build' mode and select the VIDEO_TS folder. I would also try playing the folder back with PowerDVD or VLC player to see if it works properly, including the menus, etc.
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  6. Member
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    update: could not get my internal dvd writer to write dual layer for the life of me, so I brought over my external benq drive and it is currently working like a charm. Thanks for all your help guys!
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