One of my guilty pleasures as a relatively old dude is absolutely loving Bruce Springsteen music. I always have. I had numerous lp vinyl albums - since replaced by cd's. I have every studio cd ever released plus the 4 cd live set.
So - a new release comes out yesterday - "Magic". I run out and buy it. On cd (I want the whole 44.1 enchilada - no compressed downloads for me, thank you)!
The packaging is a cardboard folder, where you have to grab the cd with your fingers (instant oily fingerprints on the disc) and slide it out of a very tight cardboard pocket (instant scrapes and scratches on that same disc). Who dreams up this crap to unload on customers?
It's a good thing this cd was only $8.99 - because I would have walked away from it for a price anywhere north of $10. And if it was anyone other than Bruce, I would have left it on the shelf even at $8.99.
A message to the music industry - keep whining about dropping cd sales - and keep cheapening the product - and watch it continue to slide - then you can whine even more.
I want a quality product with a decent case that protects the disc itself - or I'm not going to buy!