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  1. Member
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    So I've been working with ffmpeg for the last day or so and whenever I try the "encode" button, it starts to open *something* (as if it activating a tool) and then that tool closes and no encoding takes place.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  2. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    After you hit Encode, a 'new' program launches, called Progress, to -eh- keep the user informed on the progress.
    I have no idea why it would crash upon launch. I don't recall others having reported such behavior, but maybe other forum members do?

  3. Member
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    I have almost the same problem.
    But mine is "no progress at all", whenever I clicked the encode button, nothing would happened.

    -strange is that I can still play the files, only that it won't convert anything.

    *I've installed the 3 binaries too(including the newer universal one).

    I've been using ffmpeg since my last computer and it worked fine, but now I'm using the intel machine and it just won't work

    PS. How do you find the progress log? or something that can show what exactly happened with ffmpegX?

  4. Member
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    I found the log:
    it said:
    /Applications/\345\275\261\347\211\207\347\207\222\351\214\204/ | sh
    sh: line 1: /Applications/????/ No such file or directory

  5. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    The part
    is very unusual. Did you put ffmpegX inside a folder with a name that has non-Latin characters in it (like Chinese)?
    The developer recommends putting ffmpegX directly inside the Applications folder (i.e. not inside another folder), although some have had no problems if the parent folder only had "save" characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9,_), no spaces.

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