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  1. I have a copy of Toast Titanium 8 and some DivX movies I am trying to put on DVDs. Everytime I attempt to drag and drop, or add a movie I get the little loading icon for awhile then it says Toast is not responding. However if I wait long enough it eventually starts responding again and when it does the movie is added and ready for burning. Why is this?

    Things to know:

    I recently got this new MacBook because of an accident I had with a previous one. The hard drive wasn't damaged so all of my data was transferred onto this new mac. Everything has been working just fine until this. Any ideas? Thanks.

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  2. I'm a MEGA Super Moderator Baldrick's Avatar
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    Moving you to our mac forum section.

    I guess Toast is converting the divx to dvd-video and that can take some time. Do you just want to burn the divx video as data on the dvd?
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    D-Vision(free download) will convert to DviX. Try that, then burn with Toast, and see (i) if the problem vanishes because it was to do with time for Toast to encode (ii) how the video quality compares between the two methods.
    What format are the files you're converting into DviX?
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  4. Member terryj's Avatar
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    Ok, you say that your taking DIVX encoded files, and drag
    dropping them into the DVD-VIDEO window to burn
    as a DVD.

    Although you say that the "hard drive" wasn't damaged
    in your other previous macbook, did you run
    disc utility to repair permissions on the drive
    and then run repair disc to check the file structure,
    before copying/cloning the data?

    If this was happening at the burning stage, then I would agree
    with Baldrick, that this is a time taker and should be fine
    to wait it out.

    But since it is happening at the beginning, at the stage where
    you drag and drop the video in, when no conversion is taking place,
    if I am understanding your OP correctly,
    I would say that Toast, or something associated with it, is suspect.

    I would:
    run disc utility on the system, and check the integrity of
    the data, repairing the disc, looking for volume bitmap inconsitancies.
    run disc utility again, repairing permissions.

    then try Toast again.
    If the problem persists, I would re-install toast, including the
    DIVX component, as this should fix the problem.
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  5. To answer Baldricks question I just want to burn it as a regular DVD. Though I did try burning it as a DivX disc and it did the same thing. To answer terryxpress I am trying to go from DivX to DVD-R I believe.
    To answer terryj's question I am not quite sure about the disc repair utilities, because I was not the one doing the file transfers. Macintosh offered to do it for me so I let them. As for reinstalling toast, I tried it orginally with Toast 7 and it didn't work then, so I installed toast 8 and the same thing happened.
    Sonic Mixology
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  6. Member terryj's Avatar
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    aaah, so you had the repair shop, or in this case Apple
    sync your data back over to your HD.

    never a good idea. Reason is: they only worry about if the data
    will copy, not if the integrity is sound. Having dealt with Apple
    on a number of things over the course of 11 years+,
    I can vouch for that happening to me once or twice.

    A better practice is to have regular backups of your machine
    handy, and when things crap out, have them ship you a new
    machine, with no data restored ( factory default). Then you
    sync the data back yourself from a good known backup.

    That being said, at this point, to rule out the mac you are working on,
    do you have another mac with Toast 8 freshly installed, that
    you can test this on? if so, try that and then you can rule out
    it's your machine. Otherwise, it could be your files themselves.

    Can you play these files in QT or VLC? If so, what does the information
    window say about the files?

    Also, are you using the following:
    (look in your Library/Quicktime folders)
    Divx 6.5
    Divx Decoder
    Divx 6 Decoder

    Perhaps one of these are conflicting trying to handle the files....
    "Everyone has to learn, so that they can one day teach."
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