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  1. Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    United States
    Search Comp PM
    Hey guys, I've looked for help on this topic through the board and couldn't seem to find an answer, so I thought I would ask some of you because I know a lot of you know a lot of capturing video/audio.

    Basically I'm trying to capture some video game footage of me playing in VirtualDub, and I can record video/audio files just fine, however whenever I select the "enable audio playback" and set the audio device as my Capture Card (Dazzle DVD Recorder), the video immediately becomes choppy and almost unplayable.

    Does anyone know what is causing this issue, or how to fix it? I seem to be able to record in Studio 10 just fine without the choppy audio (however Studio 10 kind of sucks and I can barely see the game in such a tiny window). Any suggestions on what it might be? Thanks in advance for the help, I really appreciate it.
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  2. Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Search Comp PM
    What , what ?

    You shouldnt set the audio playback device as the capture device ... and you wonder why it gets choppy .

    Your pc's audio hardware is the default audio playback device ... the dazzle device is only INPUT , not OUTPUT .

    To stop audio being heard , you should disconnect from from capture device ... stop the software and close it .

    If you had connected the audio to pc linein for capture , you only need to disable it in the audio properties dialog , during playback of the recorded clip , in order not to hear what is on the audio input device .

    If you have a pass-through cable , as some capture devices come with these ... throw it in the bin and forget it .
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