Sorted!Originally Posted by rhegedus
For anyone getting errors with the audio stream, try eac3to to get an ac3 file.
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Results 31 to 60 of 187
Rob -
Great guide, haven't tried it as yet but I have a quick question related to Bluray/HDDVD movies.
Rather than re-encode the video, can you just mux the native streams without re-encoding into an appropriate format (e.g. MP4 for H.264/AVC or WMV for VC-1)? -
Thanks for this guide. I'm practically a total noob when it comes to ripping/converting movies. I did it over a year ago for the purpose of getting a DVD converted to a Tapwave Zodiac-friendly format, but since then haven't done anything. I've also been a long-time Windows Media Center user that stopped using it (due to flakiness and other issues) but recently bought a new HP Slimline Vista Media Center computer (refurb) for about $350. I own a standalone HD DVD player but have been somewhat jealous of my brother who has an AppleTV and has been ripping his standard-def DVD collection and streaming it wirelessly from his desktop to his two AppleTV units. Recently I played with the Yougle plug-in for VMC which allows watching streaming video through the VMC interface. One of the sources is DivX Stage 6. I was impressed that I could watch some 1080p trailers streamed from the internet (via 802.11g) so it all got me to thinking: Could I rip an HD DVD, compress/rescale it to 720p, and be able to stream it within my house to multiple computers via 802.11g? If I could do it with these Stage 6 trailers, it seemed like I should be able to. My 2.0 GHz Athlon 64 X2 3800+ only has 1GB of RAM and integrated 6150LE graphics. I know that the graphics chipset isn't quite good enough for playing 1080p source HDTV material, with many users reporting skipping, so I'm also thinking that compressing/rescaling would allow me to use my lowly computer as-is without having to upgrade components. Sorry for the long-winded intro...a few questions...
1) How does H.246 compare to DivX in terms of: file size and CPU/graphics horsepower required to decode? Based on my positive experience with playing streaming DivX trailers at 1080p, is it correct to assume that I should have as good (maybe even better) experience with H.246?
2) Do I need an HD DVD / Blu-ray player (like PowerDVD) in order to use the conversion process described here? I'm thinking I should only need that if I was going to watch the movies in pre-converted format.
3) Rough ballpark estimate: About how many GB's would a 720p 120 minute movie be?
Thanks! -
I have a few problems with installing MeGUI. Here is a screen shot of the errors:
It says that the paths are invalid. Well, how do I make them valid? Also, I don't know where to put the Neroaccenc. You said to put it in the TOOLS/Nero folder, but I don't have a folder called Nero or anything like that. -
Sounds like the PATHS config in your MeGUI is invalid. You can do one of two things. Either wipe your MEGUI install and allow it to configure itself fresh. Usually if I do that, just download the latest executable from the Sourceforge site, and rename the old directory, or if you want to try to fix our install; in the MEGUI options, look for the Paths configuration and ensure the paths you have configured there are correct.
Impossible to see the future is. The Dark Side clouds everything... -
Having problems importing VC-1 and eac3 to megui(after demuxing with evodemux).
I must be missing some codecs. Is there a list of codecs needed for these type of operations?I currently have ffdshow and haali media splitter.
Robert -
you will never be able to convert bluray/hdtv audio with this guide. It is much more complex then a few sentences. If you are skilled in en/decoding you can find out how to do it here: i will warn you this is not for the beginner. -OSA
I followed guide I have picture just can't seem to get sound.
Night at the museum is the br i have, I have loaded dgindex and tried all of the pids(i think) only when I select The DTS i get error in megui(start auido encdoing job) using nd aac container mp4-aac.
The other one selects commentary.
Anyone know for sure which PID i should be demuxing, thanks -
Thanks. I did click on the link provided by your self andonestepahead but cannot get eac3 to accept my dgindex demuxed .dts file
is this nero aac old ? and not up to the job or is it a multi channel version as this guide says you can download it free from the link however i think they have changed the link or you cannot get it for free anymore and had to hunt a round for a version, maybe its down to that why megui using nero errors out.
Any way I will leave it for now in here as I just noticed this is Sticky, sorry for posting in here -
Wonderful guide, got me up and running in no time at all. Quick pointers for those having problems:
1. If you're not updated to Windows Media Player 11, you might not be able to get the VC-1 codec to talk to the filter graphs. (The "graph won't talk to me" was poping up on my system before I updated)
2. If you use the EVODemux, LOOK at the type of audio you're demuxing, if it's AC-3, you don't really need to convert to AC-3 (as you're already in it), just rename the file to a .ac3 extension (worked for Bourne Identity). when I started copying my DVD's all those years ago. Someday maybe I'll have the space to hold my HDDVD collection without recompressing like I've done with the DVD's. Combine a big NAS with a Media PC and you won't even have to leave your couch to browse/watch any movies in your collection! Freakin' sweet.
Jebrew -
Thanks for the great post, DJRumpy. I'm not new to video encoding but I am new to h.264 (still in the experimenting phase looking for the best quality; lowest size sweet spot) and I've been using a different tutorial that was much less detailed than yours which of course brings me to my problem.
I followed your post to the letter (save for the bit rate) for the first time through because I wanted to see how it worked out and then do some tweaking on my own to see if I could decrease the size a bit, etc. Unfortunately, I think I screwed something up because I wound up with a backup of my Batman Begins DVD that was 2x the size of the original MPEG2 files: a whopping 12GB. I'm not quite sure how that happened: It's a standard DVD, no HD or Blu-Ray and the DVD was ripped with DVD-Decrypter and then stripped with Nero Recode (by stripped, I just mean I took out the extra audio, subtitles, menus, etc. so that I was left with only the main movie and audio). I'm in the process of recoding it again having started from the beginning but I'm encoding the video on my old machine and it takes about 17 hours to encode half an hour of video at these high quality profile settings so I figued in the meantime, I'd query the experts to see if I could garner any additional information.
When I was going through the tutorial, I used the guidelines for DVD encoding and set the bit rate in the AE Good Quality profile to 1000 and all the other options as they were supposed to be. (I'm an admitted videophile ( :P )and rue the loss in quality from compression but I hate having my DVDs scratched even more.) With the last tutorial, I just used the profile as is and used the Auto Encode button to specify the size of the output file that I wanted meGUI to produce. With your tutorial, there was no instructions on Auto Encode so following the given instructions, I encoded the video and audio from the enqueue buttons and then manually muxed the audio and video. I didn't see anything about restricting the size of the file. My guess would be that the size restriction would be the bit rate but I wanted to confirm because even if I halved the bit rate to 500; I'd still have a 6 GB MP4 which is the same size as the ripped DVD files. Does this sound right? The file played fine and the quality was great, but an HD DVD would play even better and only take a bit more space.
This probably isn't enough information but do you have any idea what I might have done wrong? And by all means if there is more information that's required, please let me know and I'll post whatever you need; well anything shy of violating copyright.
Many thanks,
P -
I am trying to gather all the necessary software but from what i can tell it looks like the neroaccenc software is no longer available from Nero's website. Is there any other place to get that?
Originally Posted by DJRumpy
What else do I need to do?
This is on Vista home premium with megui up-to-date manually because I couldn't get the autoupdate to work, but it's up-to-date.
I have Powerdvd installed which is the only program that will play the files. I have ffdshow configured to play avc/h264 files with the libavc dll but doesn't seem to work as the files won't play in media player either.
Thanks for your help. -
Originally Posted by rhegedus
You can keep the streams separated and then remux them at the end.
Rob -
Originally Posted by rhegedus
I really like these tutorials but sometimes I think, I'm too dumb ot some things are missing in the tutorial.
I installed everything as told but i get several errors. I installed the .net framework, avisynth, ffdshow etc but there are stil the same issues. I can't open a m2ts file with megui. I tried to open it from the Tools > Avisynth Script Creator but then there is stil the error: Avisynth script error: DirectShowSource: Renderfile, the filter grah manager won't talk to me. What the F....????
My Computer is a Dell Inspiron 9300 wiht an Intel Pentium M with 1,60 Ghz and my grafic card is an ATI radeon with 128 MB Ram. maybe that is important. It is really frustrating because I tried everything but I can't make my .mkv file. Please help me!!!!!
h264 Encode.... well almost
I've ripped a m2ts file from an HD disc that I own... I've managed to get MeGUI to resize and reencode the beast as an MP4 stream. One issue... the origianl file was ~7mins in length but the ripped m2ts is showing up as almost 11mins in PowerDVD if I try to play it back before conversion.
When converted, the new MP4 file plays correctly out to the original ending time and then seems to loop back to a part way point and then plays sucessfully the end...
The original video clip is 7min10sec in length but if I take the m2ts file that AnyDVD lifted and drop it into PowerDVD Ultra, it shows a playback length of 10min47sec.
This file contains an MPEG-2 stream from what I believe is a 1080p-24 encoded disc... Interestingly, Gordian Knot (after running through DGIndex to create d2v file) finds 10317 frames which is exactly 7min10sec at 23.976fps. But, MeGUI is finding 15512 which is exactly 10min47sec.
Any ideas? is this a ripping issue or a problem with the codecs? Seems to be something with the AVISynth Script Creator (or at least the codecs it's employing)... I believe my install of PowerDVD is the latest which is where some of the codecs came from)
*End_EDIT* -
So I managed avisynth to import the m2ts file. the problem was a windows format sdk 9.5 codec i had to install because the video in the m2ts file is wvc1 coded. and that codec was missing. after the very complicated install of the codec i could make avisynth to read the file an make an avs file to import it in megui. so far so good. i made all the adjustnments as told in the tutorial above. then i identified the PID of the audiotrack with in the m2ts i used with tsremux. i opened dgindex 1.50b13 and tried to demux the audiotrack. 1st it was not possible but after some errors i made it. WOW. i imported the file into megui, made the adjustments as told and put both, the video and audio in the queue. then i swited to the queue and hit the start button. After 14 hours (14 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!) i got an audio- and a videofile. when i put them together with the mxv muxer the audio is not synchron with the video. i tried twice and even took once the ac3 instead of the mp4 track. no changes. Any idea?? Thanx alot.
All around the net u find thousends of ripped blu-rays or HDDVDs. So somebody has to know exactly what to do. please help!!!!! -
Originally Posted by tomRiddle
I am trying to encode a blue-ray video (Planet Earth) that I ripped to my hard drive using DVDFab HD. I'm having two weird and possibly related issues that I'm hoping someone can help with: (1) on the machine I'm using to encode the video, I have ffdshow tryouts installed. The pre-encoded video loads up fine in AviSynth and I get a working preview of the video in megui. However, when I try to play back the output from megui on the same machine I just get an hour of black video.
HOWEVER, when I open it on another machine that has regular ffdshow (non-tryouts) installed, the video plays perfectly. This wouldn't bother me so much except I'm wondering if it is a clue to the second problem I'm having: (2) audio and video are out of sync (and seem to get gradually more out of sync as the video plays) in the final muxed MKV. I have tried both compressing the audio using FAAC as well as using the uncompressed AC3 file I get from xport, but both are out of sync. Any ideas? -
The first issue is definitely codec related. I would say you need to stick with the codec that works consistently on the machine doing the encoding (the non-tryouts version) or possibly try a stable version of tryouts if your using a non-stable alpha or beta version.
The audio since issue is odd. Since it strays gradually, that would normally indicate a bad rip/corruption/dropped frames. It's also possible that it's some sort of copy protection issue. You might try posting that one in the main forum to see if anyone else has experienced problems ripping that particular blue-ray.Impossible to see the future is. The Dark Side clouds everything... -
i recently buy ratatouille in Bluray PAL (french version) and i'll manage to convert it to MKV (h264+AAC) and finally to ts for uploading it to my freebox HD (capability to read TS in H264+AC3 or H264+AAC into the HDD of the box)
the reap is OK but the file isn't in the right order, i'll find the right order :
Code:00162.m2ts 00027.m2ts 00028.m2ts 00000.m2ts 00001.m2ts 00002.m2ts 00034.m2ts 00049.m2ts 00037.m2ts 00050.m2ts 00040.m2ts 00051.m2ts 00043.m2ts 00052.m2ts 00062.m2ts 00065.m2ts 00163.m2ts
Audio PID 4355 (french AC3)
Audio PID 4352 (some files have only this audio track, intro and end credit)
but now, how i can i'll make only one mkv for the video unless multiple mkv ?
for some reason i dont' understand i can use DGindex, when i load the m2ts i have this error:
No video sequence header found!
Please help me. -
DGIndex cannot always properly detect the audio and video headers in a file. You can try manually selecting them, or try a newer version of DGIndex. Try posting in the main forum on this one.
Regarding your other question about multiple files; DGIndex will take those multiple files and create a single .D2V file. You will not have multiple MKV or MP4 files when your done. You should try a few basic DVD to AVI conversions to understand the basic process before tackling something like this. It is certainly not for beginners.Impossible to see the future is. The Dark Side clouds everything...
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