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  1. Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    United States
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    hey folks,
    i've been using final cut express HD 3.5 for the past 4 months and have gotten pretty familiar with it. however, final cut pro along with the the other final cut studio apps seem very enticing.

    mainly, i would like to know about the differences and advantages or final cut pro 6 compared to final cut express. thanks for the help.

    edit: also one more thing, is there a big difference between fcp 5 and fcp 6??? there are classes on final cut that i want to take, but they are learning on fcp5 and if fcp6 is similar, i would definitely enroll in those classes. thanks again.

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  2. Member terryj's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
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    fcp 5 and fcp6 are similar, the basic fundamentals they
    will teach you in editing classes are the same ( harkening
    back to even using FCP 3). I learned on FCP 3,
    got a class in FCP 4, Bought a book for FCP 4.5,
    and have a book on my desk for FCP 5 when I move
    this winter up to FCP 5.
    ( I'm slow and follow FDR's "if it ain't broke rule...". sosume )

    But everything is basically the same.
    Apple changes some of the Prefs palettes around, and
    adds some new features, but overall the key commands
    are the same.

    Differences in FCE and FCP/FCS are all the intergated stuff
    ( DVDSP, Motion, Livetype) and the few features I looked at
    when I was making my purchase ( HD support, mutli camera
    support) but some of those have been integrated into FCE

    Basically, if you are ready to step up and learn more
    of what ALL the studio apps have to offer, then move up
    to FCS. Learn how to ingrate lower third animations using Motion,
    learn how to animate titling effects with livetype, and learn
    how to fully use Soundtrack Pro and DVD Studio Pro in
    finalizing your product.

    here is something to look at as far as just FCE vs FCP.
    good luck!
    FCE vs FCS
    "Everyone has to learn, so that they can one day teach."
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