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  1. Hello, people...
    so, i started using dvd lab pro and made some easy and cool dvds, but then i started to make one for my collection with some anime I've downloaded... the files are h264 video and mpeg1-layer3 audio... so i used winavi to convert to vob (had some problems doing this, anyone knows an easier way?) and demuxed on dvdlab-pro. But the first episode got ac3 audio, and the rest was mpa.... When i compiled and burned the dvd, the first episode played normal on my dvd, but the rest doesnt have audio... do i have to convert mpa to ac3? How do I do that? And how can I easily convert my files to VOB so i can use it there?

    I also have problems with that render movie thing (to make animated menus)... i have to render with the output as avi, and then convert to mpv using the built-in coder... bcause when i choose mpeg, it freezes (ALWAYS) at the same point, no matter what video i am rendering... anyone knows what could it be? I even tryed to reinstall my codecs, but didnt worked....

    Well, i hope you guys help me, thank you for your time and patience. You guys Rox.

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  2. Always Watching guns1inger's Avatar
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    So many problems.

    First - WinAVI is an awful piece of programming. It produces low quality, non-compliant output. In short, it is rubbish.

    Second - If you have mixed formats - different resolutions or audio formats - you have to author them into different VTS. Put your AC3 assets in one VTS, your mpa assets into another. This complicates the menu design somewhat as you have to be able to bridge the titlesets. Use the VMG domain to do this.

    Third - learn how to use your tools properly. Personally, I wouldn't install WinAVI on a PC I used. If you must use a one-click-wonder, look at ConvertXtoDVD instead. Learn how to encode consistently, so all your assets are the same. It makes life much easier when you author. Finally, don't mix crappy toy products like WinAVI and ConvertXtoDVD (or NeroVision) with grown-up authoring tools.
    Read my blog here.
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