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  1. Member
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    Hey everyone. I'm new here and am welcoming myself with problems... So hello... and here's my problem...

    I've created a video(avi) in Sony Vegas 7.0e 2.5 hours long.

    DVD Architect - I have one AVI file. A total of 4 Menus.

    1st Main Menu = Play Movie & Scene Selection (video file background with audio)
    2nd Menu = 5 chapters, Back & Next Buttons (PDF background & audio)
    3rd Menu = 3 chapters, Back & Next Buttons (PDF background & audio)
    4th Menu = 5 Chapters, Back Button (PDF background & audio)

    ALL in and out points are set perfectly and play perfect in the DVD Architect Preview

    I have a total of 98 Chapters set throughout the AVI. (Max 100)

    8.5GB Project

    Now here's the Problem. EVERYTHING works perfectly.... EXCEPT the last 3 chapters in my #4 Menu will not play on the burned DVD.The last 3 chapters go directly to the midpoint of the video. When I watch the preview in DVD Architect, I dont see any problems. I only see the problem when its burned. I've viewed it on my Computer DVD player and on my home portable DVD player. The entire video is being recorded on the DVD but can only be seen through the "play all" link. Any chapters after the half way point of the movie will not burn. ???

    The preferences have been changed to accommodate 8.5GB of data.

    I went to Properties>Mastering and changed the number of layers to 2

    I also tried combining decreasing the Main chapters on #4 Menu page to only 3 instead of 5. didnt work.

    I've tried a bunch of different things and used up 5 of my dual layers... UGHH... none are right...

    I just deleted all the links on Menu #4 (the problem Menu) and re-copied the original link for each chapter... I was about to try out another Disk but figured I'd check with you first for ideas...

    I also tried REMOVING all chapters except the ones I absolutely need... which total 36.

    I also Deleted 2 Chapter Menu pages and combined them all on the 2nd Menu page. Now a 6.6 GB project That did not work (just killed my 6th dual layer now)

    Everything appears perfectly in DVD A I'm hoping that its a simple click of a button that I am overlooking... But if anyone can help I would appreciate it so much... This is a school project that is sooooo over due!

    Thanks in advance to any ideas!
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  2. Member
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    Since all this is going on at about half point it looks like DL brake problem. Try to export from Architect to your hard drive and play result in some software player. If that works get ImgBurn (free) to burn your DL DVD.
    If the file on your HD does not play correctly, than it is a problem with Architect.
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    Thank you for your response. I'm not sure exactly what your suggesting... sorry to make you explain

    The disk image/iso that I've created plays correctly but I'm not sure how to review my chapters. Thats where my problems are.

    How do I view it as an iso before I burn so I can see the menu and chapters? (I viewed the contents of the iso using a Roxio EMC9 disc copy program)When I view the DVD content it just shows the video, Not the menus...I do notice in the contents of my DVD that the point of the video (the midpoint) that keeps coming up in all my ending chapters is showing 3 times as a thumbnail...

    I apologize if i'm not explaining myself correctly...

    In DVD A, when I burn... it gives me a choice of a few recommended breaking points... so I just choose the first one...

    thanks again
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  4. Member
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    Do not export as image file. Export as DVD video from Architect and play in your software player like regular DVD before burning to see if your chapters work. You want to find out where your problem is first.
    ImgBurn will convert to image to burn as you can see.
    There should be "Best" option for layer brake, if not choose any one, but you may experience slight jump at that point when DVD play on DVD player.
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    I'm trying to figure this out for myself so i don't waste your time... but I'm having trouble finding an option to Export from DVD A. I've found an option to export a menu as a theme...
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    Anyone ever have a problem like this??? Can someone point me in the right direction? I've been glued to this computer for days trying to read anything I can to figure this out??? Sorry to sound impatient... I'm really stuck!
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    I'm not at all familiar with DVD A, but looking at the guide:
    I'm wondering if the "Prepare DVD" button in Step 11 might be worth a try? It sounds like it will create a folder with the .vob files/etc in it. You can then verify playability as tinker suggested.

    Use ImgBurn in "Build" mode to burn the Video_ts/Audio_ts folders direct to the DVD; guide here:

    Also, use only Verbatim DVD+R DL DVDs. They appear to be the only ones that perform consistently well.

    Hope that helps,
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    Hi Jim, Thanks for your response. Ok... now I understand... I'm in the process now of building the image in ImgBurn... Thanks for clarifying...

    I've always use verbatim... I order a lot from B&H... I'll be seeking out new authoring software... or at least a newer version of DVD A... this is all very frustrating...

    Thanks again!
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    Ok... I took the V and A Ts files and built them... it made an ISO
    Now, how do I view the ISO to see that it is correct... I tried VERIFY but cant seem to figure out how to view it before I burn it... When I open the contents of the ISO it lists thumbnails... They don't appear to be in the order that I rendered my movie and even double up a few times... So, not sure exactly what do do next... Maybe I'd save myself some time by rebuilding this movie in a new authoring software???
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    I believe you can mount the ISO image with a tool like daemon tools.

    But you can also watch the video from the Video_ts folder with Media Player Classic. You can open the "video_ts.ifo" file (I think, someone will correct me if I'm wrong ) in MPC and watch & navigate it just as if it were a DVD in your DVD player.

    Oh, and if it wasn't clear, with ImgBurn you don't need to make an ISO (unless you want to). Just use "Build" mode and load the Video_ts folder. If you've set the output to "Device" it should burn directly.

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    AHHHH.... Thank you... Now I can see it... OKay... its not playing correctly in the video ts file... so then according to Tinker It is a problem with DVD A... is it that simple? software problem?
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    Sounds like it might be a DVD A issue, but like I said I am not familiar with it.

    What did you use to encode the AVIs to MPEG? Does the MPEG play all the way through to the end? If so, then I'd say it was a DVD A issue.

    You may have to check every "link" in the "chain" of your process to locate the error. Also, kind of a long-shot, but be sure that the hard disc that you are using for this project is formatted as "NTFS" and not "FAT 32" - most likely is "NTFS" since you're on XP, but you never know.

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    I captured the video via firewire using Vegas, from my mini DV tapes (recorded from my sony HD-HC3). I edited my AVI files in Vegas and then rendered one AVI. I put that AVI into DVD Architect and created my DVD... The link that you sent me previously about DVD Architect was info on DVD A V. 1... I have never had a problem using AVI files in DVD A so I believe that mpeg thing might just be for that version... but I could be wrong... i'd then wonder why all my other projects were successful...

    I'll have to check into the NTFS thing... I have no idea...

    I just actually redid the project in DVD A and I'm trying it again...

    I'm sure I'll be posting again to get this resolved since I'm not to optimistic about this working...

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