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  1. [url=http]text[/url] Denvers Dawgs's Avatar
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    I am suddenly having a ground loop problem. The cable is causing my subwoofer to hum on my Home Theater system. If I unplug the cable all is fine. I tried to use a $10 ground loop isolator from a local store, which did stop the humming, but it also disrupted my digital/HD cable to the tv, to the point of unwatchable because of constant stuttering/pausing. I was wondering if anyone know's if an Isolator like this would work, and still keep the video quality as it should be?

    Jensen Cable TV RF Isolator Model VRD-1FF PDF
    What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity....
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  2. Member edDV's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Denvers Dawgs
    I am suddenly having a ground loop problem. The cable is causing my subwoofer to hum on my Home Theater system. If I unplug the cable all is fine. I tried to use a $10 ground loop isolator from a local store, which did stop the humming, but it also disrupted my digital/HD cable to the tv, to the point of unwatchable because of constant stuttering/pausing. I was wondering if anyone know's if an Isolator like this would work, and still keep the video quality as it should be?

    Jensen Cable TV RF Isolator Model VRD-1FF PDF
    The loop is probably caused by plugging power into separate circuit breakers. Plug in power to the same circuit where possible. Think back which connections were made recently.
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  3. Yeah try different AC outlets or run a wire between the sub chassis and the amp,an Isobar powerstrip may also help.

    Take a look here for more answers:
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  4. [url=http]text[/url] Denvers Dawgs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Right Behind You. . .
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    I have tried to plug the subwoofer into the same powerstrip that has the tv, HT system, cable. And I also tried to plug the sub into a different ac outlet and it still did the humming.

    I haven't changed anything with the setup. It just one day started humming.
    What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity....
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