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  1. Retired from video stuff MackemX's Avatar
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    I've just bought a module/relay for my car but the instructions to fit the module are in German . There are 2 pages and it's not really that much on each page. Another 2 pages are just pictures with a few words for each picture but are quite easily translated. I used a word counter and it reckons it's 618 words though it's probably less due to also having numbers

    I've typed the instructions into Wordpad and used a couple of translator sites to get a good idea of what it says but I'd prefer the human touch if possible as some of it is still pretty much garbage

    I used this site which was pretty good and got most of it apart from a couple of words that Google translated instead

    so does anyone here have the ability to easily translate from German to English for me or at least tidy up the translation?

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  2. Member Conquest10's Avatar
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    Don't know much German other than the basics so can't really help. Your link doesn't work. Just links to the site.
    His name was MackemX

    What kind of a man are you? The guy is unconscious in a coma and you don't have the guts to kiss his girlfriend?
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  3. Retired from video stuff MackemX's Avatar
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    Yoh! yep the link is just the site to show which one I was using and not a link to the actual German text

    it's better than Google in the fact that it doesn't just show a load of squashed up text and actually keep the original paragraphs etc

    shame it only does a 1000 characters at a time tho

    this is the first couple of paragraphs and there's probably around 5 times more text than this. As you can see it's pretty much understandable although in parts it's a bit unclear

    Einbauableitung BMW E36 Cabrio Dachfernbedienung

    Vor dem Einbau:

    Bitte lesen Sie diese Anleitung aufmerksam durch und nehmen Sie sich etwas Zeit für den Einbau. Durch unsachgemäßes Vorgehen kann das Modul oder die Elektronik Ihres Fahrzeugs Schaden nehmen. Es können keine Ansprüche geltend gemacht werden, die durch Nichtbeachtung der Einbauanleitung hervorgerufen werden. Sollten Sie sich den Einbau nicht zutrauen, wenden Sie sich bitte an eine Kfz-Fachkraft (gibt's an jeder Tankstelle...).

    Achtung: Der Einbau der E36 Dachfernbedienung kann zum Erlöschen der ABE Ihres Fahrzeugs führen. Betreiben Sie das Verdeck nicht unbeaufsichtigt. Der Einbau und Betreib des Modules erfolgen auf eigene Gefahr.

    which translates to

    Installation derivation BMW E36 Convertible roof remote control

    Before the installation:

    Please, peruse these instructions carefully and take yourselves some time for the installation. By improper action the module or the electronics of your vehicle can take damage. No claims which are caused by nonobservance of the installation instructions can be asserted. Should you not credit yourselves with the installation, turn please to a Kfz-professional strength (there is in every gas station ...).

    Attention: the installation of the E36 roof remote control can lead to the extinction of the ABE of your vehicle. Do not pursue the hood unattended. The installation and Pursuing of the module occur on own danger.

    I've attempted to tidy this up and came up with this, although still not clear in parts

    Installation instructions for BMW E36 Cabrio roof remote module

    Before the installation:

    Please read this guide thoroughly and take time to familiarise yourself with the process and time taken to do the installation. The incorrect procedure with the module or electronics of your vehicle can cause damage. No requirements can be made valid, which are caused by neglect of the fitting instruction. If you feel you are not capable of the installation then please seek a motor vehicle specialist.

    Note: The installation of the E36 roof remote module can lead to expiring the ABE of your vehicle. Do not remotely operate the roof unsupervised. The installation and operation of the Module are at your own risk.
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  4. Member zzyzzx's Avatar
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    You really shouldnt need instructions for a relay. A schematic (in German, or any other language) would be just fine.
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  5. Retired from video stuff MackemX's Avatar
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    it's a module behind the glove box that I need to fit and also a relay under the bonnet that both have around 6-8 wires on them. That first bit of info is just the basics but the translation of the actual instructions on which coloured wires tap into where have translated but some of it is still a little unclear.

    That's why I'd prefer to check before I go fry the electrics on my car

    this is what the first stage of the instructions translated as and you can see in some parts it's quite amusing

    1. Earth cables of the battery clamp (battery is in the trunk)
    2. the two screws in the ventilation screens and two screws down at the hand shoe subject solves (fig. 1)
    3. , Solve the two screws (behind cover) open hand shoe subject (fig. 2)
    4. , Is behind it still another screw out-levers lamp in the hand shoe subject to solve (fig. 3)
    5. Hand shoe subject can be now pulled out (fig. 4)
    6. the black cable of the module one attaches to mass (right in the fig. 5)
    7. - depending upon equipment, two or three violet/white cables in the wiring harness are cut through (fig. 5)
    8. the red cable of the module to red/becomes green cable of the plug A attached and orange the cable of the module is attached to blue/red/yellow cables of the plug B (fig. 6)
    9. the employment (e.g. climatic control element or file) from the center console pulls (fig. 7) and the covering switch out-lever . the long pink cable of the module with that black/becomes green cable of the covering switch connected, the long yellow cable is connected to
    10 with that black/brown cables of the covering switch
    11. the blue cable of the module one verkabelt later with the relay
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  6. Member hech54's Avatar
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    There is a typo in the original instructions.
    Einbauableitung should be Einbauanleitung.

    Installation instructions BMW E36 convertible roof remote control
    Before the installation:

    Please, read through these instructions attentively and take a little time before the installation. By an improper procedure the module or the electronics of your vehicle can be damaged. No claims which are caused by nonobservance of the installation instructions can be asserted. If you shouldn't believe yourself capable of the installation, please consult a motor vehicle qualified employee.

    Warning(hint): The installation of the E36 roof remote control can void your warranty. You don't operate the canopy unbeaufsichtigt(Unattended - Don't operate the roof without keeping an eye on it - don't hit the button and walk away). The installation at own risk are carried out and the module operate.

    The German sentence structure is a bit complicated and does not translate well.
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  7. Retired from video stuff MackemX's Avatar
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    I'd like to say a big thanks to hech54 and his wife for their help translating these rather confusing instructions 8)

    I'm going to attempt fitting this module Friday with the help of my mechanic mate so it should be fun but hopefully I won't fry my electrics

    anyway here's a few pics of the car after it got its yearly wash recently before I probably break it

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