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  1. Discussed in a previous thread I have some MPEG2 video files w\hardcoded subtitles that I was unable to OCR. So I have decided to go ahead and make new removable subtitles for the movie.

    I need a program if there is one that will show me the video as it plays (so I can read the subtitles in the video) and I can stop\start it and type in the subtitles to match the correct time. Does anything do this?
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  2. Member manusse's Avatar
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    Try VisualSubSync.

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  3. Well I tried it and maybe it cannot do what I want? First I converted my MPEG to AVI and then it would load a small test video I made.
    I figured out the playback part but what I want to do is this:

    Play video - see subtitles on video - type in text, thats it. This way at the end I have a finished subtitle file with the correct duration of the subtitles and the start\end point of each subtitle.
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  4. Member
    Join Date
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    United States
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    If you can locate a foreign language .srt subtitle for the film from one of the many subtitle download sites then you could play the video in Subtitle Workshop and type over the foreign text in the edit window as the video plays. The timing data would remain intact.

    Subtitle Workshop has a lot of options for adjusting timings should you need them.

    You could actually build a sub from scratch using Subtitle Workshop (hit the Insert key and a new line will pop up with a default start, end, and duration). Of course it would take forever to adjust the durations manually, but it could be done.

    Edit: I just checked out the link to VisualSubSync above; should have looked before I posted. Looks like that would be easier than Subtitle Workshop to do what I talked about. Guess I'm stuck in the past.
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