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  1. Hello.
    Converting movies to h264 some files is creating videos that beggins with whited frames.
    I try converting the original to others formates to then generate h264, and the same problem occur.
    Some idea ???

    Brazil, SP
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  2. Member tekkieman's Avatar
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    Could you provide some information on the types of files you are converting? What are you using to convert to h264? FFMPEG? What version? How many white frames are you getting? When this happens, is the audio still in sync?
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  3. Yeah, this is the command line I use:

    ffmpeg -i origem/1910_1962/ -vcodec h264 -s 320x174 -b 400k -r 48 -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 56 med/
    IdVid gives the following informations:

    File: origem/1910_1962/
                  Width: 480 pixels
                 Height: 260 pixels
           Aspect ratio: 1.33:1
                 Frames: 0
               Duration: 00:02:21 hours/mins/secs
              Framerate: 24.000 frames per second
           Video format: avc1
          Video bitrate: 0 bits per second
    Audio track 1 (Stream 0.0, AID 0):
                  Codec: aac
                Bitrate: Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo000 bits per second
          Sampling rate: 44100 Hz
    Audio is compliant with the following formats:
      Not compliant with (S)VCD or DVD
    Video is compliant with the following formats:
      Not compliant with (S)VCD or DVD
    This video does not seem to be compliant with (S)VCD or DVD
    standards. If you burn it to a video disc, it may not work.
    The Ffmpeg version is SVN-r7813.

    This problem happens in the beggin of the video file, and audio is OK.

    Ffmpeg outputs a set of this lines:
    [h264 @ 0x39318f50d0]OVERFLOW levelcode=4101
    How much more lines, more whited frames.

    Original file:
    Generated file:
    Thanks for helping
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  4. Member GMaq's Avatar
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    I've had similar issues encoding H.264 with ffmpeg, I finally traced it back to the quantizer settings. In your command line you have not specified a qmin or a qmax. H.264 or at least x264 which ffmpeg uses has a a range from -qmin 2 to -qmax 51. I found that increasing the qmin to a value of 10 stopped the overflows and retained excellent quality. Try adding -qmin 10 -qmax 51 to your command line and see if it helps. It eliminated the problem for me.
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  5. The problem was sucessfully fixed.
    Thanks a lot.
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