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  1. Member
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    Apr 2007
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    They say donot copy. its a crime. but i donot understand how do people get caught at first place when they copy protected DVD's? i mean does it leave any marks on the dvd layer tht dvd has been ripped or something?
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  2. All disks have a secret chip in them and when they get copied it sends a signal that gets picked up and relayed via satellite to the MPAA. They put you under surveillance, tap your phones, monitor your internet usage, and put a tracer on your car. If they determine that you don't have enough money to fight them, they go ahead and file a lawsuit designed to scare you into settling out of court because they don't want any of the laws actually tested in court.

    Seriously, there is no way to tell if a DVD or CD has been copied. Those that get caught do so not because they made a copy, but because they shared/sold that copy in some way (and usually many copies). Either through filesharing on the internet or by selling them on or off line.
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