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  1. I have a liteon SHW-160P6S

    specs etc here:

    according to its specs features's supposed to be able to burn DVD-R disks
    (or am i mistaken)
    but for some reason it doesn't everytime i try the disks ends up being a coaster
    it doesn't even begin to actually write the tracks..only begins the opening procedure.

    I've tried TDK and memorex DVD-R's to no avail. The only disk it will write to, as of now
    is DVD+R's...and then when i play these same disks using a combo sony standalone DVD/VCR player...they play fine....which is weird. From my studys so far, i thought only DVD-R disks will play in all standard players.

    I've spent countless hours trying to research this problem...please some one help me figure out what is wrong.

    KWG-PC Repair and Sales
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  2. I am using the exact same model with Nero as I type this. It burns -R, +R and +R Dls fine for me. I usually use Verbatim and Sony if they are on sale and the Verbatims are not on sale.

    FWIW Best Buy has Verbatim 50 Pks on sale this week until saturday for $12.99

    Well the +Rs I burn get the book type set to DVD-ROM. As far as my experiences using Sony changers, Apex changers, Apex player, Pioneer DVD recorder and Philips Divx Players and a Toshiba Divx player over the last few years they all played the - and + format with no problem. The Sonys and the Philips and the Pioneer play the +R Dl fine too. I had many problems with dual layer burning until I junked the Pioneer 109 in favor of the Lite-On. My 10cents worth. It could be the media. I had trouble with TDK in the past. The two brands you mentioned are not grade A media IMHO.
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  3. DVD Ninja budz's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by TBoneit
    I am using the exact same model with Nero as I type this. It burns -R, +R and +R Dls fine for me. I usually use Verbatim and Sony if they are on sale and the Verbatims are not on sale.

    FWIW Best Buy has Verbatim 50 Pks on sale this week until saturday for $12.99

    Well the +Rs I burn get the book type set to DVD-ROM. As far as my experiences using Sony changers, Apex changers, Apex player, Pioneer DVD recorder and Philips Divx Players and a Toshiba Divx player over the last few years they all played the - and + format with no problem. The Sonys and the Philips and the Pioneer play the +R Dl fine too. I had many problems with dual layer burning until I junked the Pioneer 109 in favor of the Lite-On. My 10cents worth. It could be the media. I had trouble with TDK in the past. The two brands you mentioned are not grade A media IMHO.
    I have to w/TBoneit to use VERBATIM dvd media. TDK & MEMOREX is low grade dvd media.
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  4. I'm having this same problem; I know this is an old post but a problem I've been having I thought it was just the media but then I bought Verbatim.

    I'm running the newest hacked firmware and will burn +R fine but has trouble burning -R; my next step will be to update Nero but I don't know if that will help; Anybody else with suggestions?
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  5. DVD Ninja budz's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by yeeman15
    I'm having this same problem; I know this is an old post but a problem I've been having I thought it was just the media but then I bought Verbatim.

    I'm running the newest hacked firmware and will burn +R fine but has trouble burning -R; my next step will be to update Nero but I don't know if that will help; Anybody else with suggestions?
    Use IMGBURN to burn dvd media. Nero is buggy as hell. Liteon drives tend to favor +R media than -R but using IMGBURN would make a difference.
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    I have a LiteOn SHM-165P6S which is a similar model, and I would get an occasional coaster with Verbatim -R using latest MSOR firmware. I fixed the problem by flashing back to next latest MSOP firmware after which I've had zero coasters with all media tried. I suggest trying a different 160P6S firmware.
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  7. Member [_chef_]'s Avatar
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    Originally Posted by kwgpc
    I have a liteon SHW-160P6S

    specs etc here:

    according to its specs features's supposed to be able to burn DVD-R disks
    (or am i mistaken)
    but for some reason it doesn't everytime i try the disks ends up being a coaster
    it doesn't even begin to actually write the tracks..only begins the opening procedure.

    I've tried TDK and memorex DVD-R's to no avail.
    The only disk it will write to, as of now
    is DVD+R's...and then when i play these same disks using a combo sony standalone DVD/VCR player...they play fine....which is weird. From my studys so far, i thought only DVD-R disks will play in all standard players.

    I've spent countless hours trying to research this problem...please some one help me figure out what is wrong.

    Both are cheapo crap........
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    This DOES look like it COULD BE a NERO "V.6..." software corruption issue as V6 versons of NERO is the one common element. all different brands of drives and media but EVERYONE with this complaint is using NERO v6 something.
    Here's what just happened to me. I have an NEC 3500 which up until a few minutes ago was fat dumb and happy burning every brand of -R media like a champ. All good. Philips, TDK, RiData Happy Happy Happy! then by chance, I happend to feed it a "+R" Verbatim, which it burned without a hitch, BUT then I attempeted to return to burning on a "-R" and GUESS WHAT? TDK, No more. RiData? No more. Phillips? NOPE! ALL "-R" media no longer welcome! I gave it another +R and.... good to go there !
    AND FOR the record, I don't agree TDK is crap media. I've had nothing but good experiences with TDK's. Memorex I'm not a big fan of.
    So to SUM UP here, it's NERO V6 vintage. BUT IT's also perhaps and older-model burner H/W issue. This is my work machine I'm on now, with an old-lifecycled out DVD bruner (I donated from home). AT HOME I have current model LG drives, the same NERO and I have no problem flipping from "-R" to "+R" and back again. it's all good. So if your BURNER is more than 2 or 3 years old, just get a new one ($35) and see if the problem doesn't go away.
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    NetBurnerMon, does your drive burn -R media with IMGBurn or other program, or do -R burns remain a problem? If burn problems persist with other burning programs, then the problem is not Nero 6. I've used Nero 6 for 6 to 7 years with zero problems due to Nero. A different firmware increased burn success with more media for me, and btw I also get best SL burns with SmartBurn disabled.
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  10. I'm using Lite_on burners in three different computers. Never a problem excluding the rare coaster. I blame those on the quality of blank media slipping as the price goes down.

    I had a Pioneer that didn't do as good as job as the Lite-On burners. I Was able to use up some Memorex DL blanks that never worked well in the Pioneer by using them in the Lite-On. Now I buy Verbatims and occasionally Sony media.

    I burn with Imgburn.

    One persons experience. Are current drives quality lower than before? I believe so. I had a Sony DRU-500a that burned reliable until I ruined it by putting in a 8X only TDK disk. Even the weight was much higher than any of the current crop of drives. Many things are getting lighter. My guess is to save shipping costs. If quality suffers slightly I suspect that the manufacturer accepts that trade-off

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    bevills1: the only place I still have this issue is on a-at-work machine where the loading of shareware is profusely frowned upon. I could try XP's built-in (I believe it's Roxio) burner. I do know that one of the reasons burner software like NERO is updated is to update the media compatibility with newer media. EG: I bought some JVC disks that were apparently some new "type" (manufacturing process exct) and my old NEC 3500's-3550's wouldn't touch em. Those drives were just about at their lifecycle change-out point anyway so I just got new drives. I couldn't get NECs at the time because everyplace that wasn't too pricy on 'em was out of stock. So I took a chance on LG and SAMSUNG. Been very happy with LG's. Happy not very happy with the samsung. The new drives, same old nero had no problem with the JVC media. Now I realize that story doesn't back my initial claim but I do know that's true too. Which is I guess not to say there isn't more than one way around it. If a new drive is $30 and and new nero $50 or $60.... well....
    AND AS FOR weight having squat to do with drive quality.... put me down for NOT! It's just newer technology is always doing more with less. Fact 'o nature. The new drives are lighter and shorter and genorate less heat. and that's all good. Life span? at (average) $34 to replace I've never expected any DVD burner drive to last more than 3-4 years or roughly 400 good burns... I never push it. If it's pushing that lifecycle range, the instant it shows any signs of age, (%coasters on the rise) it's outta there. get new.
    I do like Lite-on, and Verbatim. I have some lite-on cd burners. day sweet !
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  12. I believe that weight does show quality to a extent. A heavier power supply will usually outlast a lightweight one as teh extra weight is mainly larger heatsinks etc.

    On a Burner if they are too flimsy they may easily warp over time when installed. A thin metal case just feels cheap and is usually indicative of shortcuts on quality elsewhere.
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