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  1. This is an issue I have had for ages, whenever I convert a file from one format to another, e.g. AVI file to mpeg, or pal file to NTSC, etc. using Procoder, the new file has noticeable jagged edges. These are easily seen when playing back a file (or DVD) on the pc, and still noticeable (although not as much) when playing the DVD on the TV. Procoder is truly an excellent piece of software and will convert anything to anything, but each time I get these jagged edges. Is there a setting to help with this please.
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  2. Always Watching guns1inger's Avatar
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    Given so little useful information I will assume that you are converting source that you have downloaded from the internet that has been resized down and deinterlaced poorly. You have used ProCoder to resize back up to DVD resolution, exposing the poor quality of your source for what it is. Garbage in, garbage out.

    of course, if you can give more information regarding your source to refute this, I'll be happy to offer another explanation.
    Read my blog here.
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  3. Thanks for your reply.

    As well as other instances, this scenario you mention does apply, downloaded files form the internet, that when converted in Procoder ready to burn to DVD suffer the jagged edges. Is there a way to lessen this at all. A setting, or another program to resize the resolution first perhaps, anything!
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  4. Originally Posted by pbar
    A setting, or another program to resize the resolution first perhaps, anything!
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  5. Always Watching guns1inger's Avatar
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    Chances are the jaggies are in the source, but not as visible because of the reduced resolution. If this is the case then it really doesn't matter how you resize, they will still be there.
    Read my blog here.
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