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    Originally Posted by TimA-C View Post
    It's got nothing to do with being a popularity contest, it's about having a bit of common sense and some manners! And calling the people who have bothered to try to help you, "Middle Earthers" is hardly likely to make them, or anyone else, more likely to go out of their way to try and help you!
    "Case" identifies himself as being from Middle Earth, accompanied by an avatar image of Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins. Close enough reference?

    Originally Posted by TimA-C View Post
    that this forum has no affiliation to either the software
    Then every "Forum" link on every page (check it and see) shouldn't bring one THIS forum, and, as this forum allegedly has absolutely nothing to do with ffmpegX, the software app that updates itself, or its developer, ipso facto this forum is a strictly amateur effort. There should, IMHO, be a codicil explanation at the top of every ffmepX for MacOSX forum page here, or if it's too much trouble for anyone to take responsibility for this particular forum, then it should be taken down.

    I'm sure you know exactly where you can insert your "appleholes" without my reminding you.

    Originally Posted by TimA-C View Post
    Hope you manage to get access to your other brain cell and learn some manners, and then maybe people will be more willing to a) talk to you without laughing, and b) help you with your problems. Do try to have a nice life.
    I began this trip by treating everyone with manners; what I got in return was doltish muck of the sort you've been expecting me to swallow, with your inapt marks of exclamation and troglodytic "smileys" as the sugar that was supposed to make your vitriolic medicine go down. It didn't.

    Originally Posted by TimA-C View Post
    p.s. You think you're a Swan?
    The British educational system has hit rock bottom.

    "I swan":

    From the Word Detective: << "I swan" is generally used as the equivalent of "I do declare," which makes perfect sense since the two phrases are essentially professions of sincerity. "I swan" is apparently derived from the northern English dialectical pronunciation of "I shall warrant" (meaning "I shall be bound by my word; I promise I am speaking the truth"), which probably sounded like a slurred "I s'wan." The longer form "I shall warrant you," pronounced "I s'wan ye," gave us the form "I swannee" or "I swanny," still common in the South. None of this, of course, has any connection to actual swans [nor does "the form 'I swannee' or 'I swanny,' still common in the South" have anythiung whatsoever to do with the Suwanee River -- BB

    Oddly enough, given their background, both "I swan" and "I swanny" are considered Americanisms and never gained much of a foothold in Britain. One reason for the continued use of "I swan" and its variants on this side of the Atlantic may be that, because of their initial consonants (that "sw" sound), they also serve as handy euphemisms for "I swear," an expression considered by many to be itself blasphemous. This would make "I swan" a member of the not-fooling-anybody group of euphemisms that includes such old standbys as "gosh" and "golly" (for "God") and "darn" for "damn." >>

    My advice is to put your nose in someone else's business. I certainly didn't invite you into this conversation, and since nothing you've blithered has had any bearing whatsoever with the problems I'm having with ffmpegX, you're obviously just here as a troll and suck-up. I will not answer any more of your posts.

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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    I thought I did just that in the very same post. Just click on the "i" and see what happens.
    What you wrote in the post to which you are referring was this:

    << When you start an encoding, the ffmpegX Progress window should pop up, displaying the a horizontal progress bar.

    This bar usually starts as a "moving barber pole", until the app can estimate a percentage. After that, the bar should "fill" from left to right, until the process is finished.

    At the right side you should see a white "i" (for "information") in a blue circle and a cross ("x") in a grey circle. Those two act as buttons.

    The "x" button allows the user to stop a running process.

    The "i" button gives access to the Process Information window, aka log to the current process.

    When a conversion successfully finishes, the "x" symbol changes into a magnifying glass symbol.

    Clicking the magnifying glass symbol should open the folder with the output file in the Finder. >>

    I did not pick up on the deductive concomitant of the statement "The "i" button gives access to the Process Information window, aka log to the current process" that actually CLICKING on the "i" button gives access to the Process Information window, aka log to the current process"

    Tomorrow I will go through all of ffmpegX's FAQs and instructions again to see if I missed some vital step, and then try to run the process. I will capture the log for every process I run, now that I know how to do it.

    If you would please do me the favor of looking at the attached screen shot of my ffmpegX folder (click for full size), which shows all contained folders open, which in turn displays EVERY file that's in that folder, and tell me if, from what you can see, I have every component and file I need (the actual ffmpegX app is in the Applications folder), and if I have every component and file in the right places (for example, perhaps all the critical components need to be at the root folder level, and not in enclosing folders WITHIN the root level folder)?

    Thank You
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	The-wholeffmpegXwindow.jpg
Views:	522
Size:	232.4 KB
ID:	16848  

  3. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bartbrn View Post
    Tomorrow I will go through all of ffmpegX's FAQs and instructions again to see if I missed some vital step
    The text on the download page, below the download instructions, starting with "To install ffmpegX 0.0.9y for the first time, proceed as follows" should be all you need.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    ... and then try to run the process. I will capture the log for every process I run, now that I know how to do it.
    If, as you have told, none of your various files would convert, then I expect all logs to be short and similar. That is why I asked for just one log to begin with. (E.g. if one log gives a clue that something is missing, then that missing part has to be put in place first.) But let us not jump to conclusions yet, and wait for what the log says.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    If you would please do me the favor of looking at the attached screen shot of my ffmpegX folder [...] and tell me if, from what you can see, I have every component and file I need (the actual ffmpegX app is in the Applications folder)
    I see mplayer, mencoder, mpeg2enc, and flvtool2. You have the right files.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    and if I have every component and file in the right places ?
    The right place is (almost) wherever you want. Really. Here's why:
    When you first launched ffmpegX, a smaller window covered most of the apps interface: a window titled "ffmpegX components self-installer". Using the three Locate buttons, you then tell ffmpegX where the three binaries (mpeg2enc, mencoder, mplayer) are on your computer. After entering you Mac OS X login password and clicking Install, ffmpegX installs various stuff including copies of the three binaries. Presuming no errors, the binaries were copied, and the downloaded files are no longer needed. So these downloaded files can be anywhere you want. You may even delete them or archive them after successful installation, as ffmpegX will have the copies.
    To check if the installation of the binaries was successful, quit ffmpegX and launch it again. The "ffmpegX components self-installer" windows should not come up this time.

    flvtool2 needs manual installation using the Terminal, as described on the ffmpegX website. After installation, a new binary will be created for ffmpegX to access when needed. The downloaded folder for flvtool2 is no longer needed after installation.
    Last edited by Case; 20th Mar 2013 at 17:27.

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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    flvtool2 needs manual installation using the Terminal, as described on the ffmpegX website. After installation, a new binary will be created for ffmpegX to access when needed. The downloaded folder for flvtool2 is no longer needed after installation.
    Well, I have a problem right off the bat: when I open the Terminal session, I'm immediately faced with the obviously incorrect Terminal identification of "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63". I think I've seen this show up in Terminal sessions before (I try to use the Terminal as little as possible -- I'm not educated enough in its use to be sure I'm not going to screw something up beyond recovery). Pro-forma, I went through the rest of the instructions, but as long as Terminal thinks this is a PPC PowerBook G4, and NOT the mid-2011 Intel 27" iMac it ACTUALLY is, this ain't goin' nowhere.

    Why this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" item shows up I have no idea, but it INVARIABLY shows up in the following logs:


    I DID have a PBG4 Ti for several years before the clever Apple design of running the Kapton flat display cable through the left hinge between body and display, ensuring that the back-and-forth flex would inevitably break the traces of the cable in BOTH my PBG4s, finally did so.

    I then bought a Late Fall-09 27" iMac, which -- thank god for AppleCare -- went through THREE logic board/power supply/video chip replacements (the last one an unheard-of tech housecall) before Apple finally bowed to the inevitable, and replaced the dead Late Fall 09 iMac with my current mid-2011 27" iMac, which came with no discs, pre-loaded with Lion (which I certainly wish it had NOT been, as Lion has crippled several 3d-party apps).

    Seeing as how this current mid-2011 iMac is separated from the last PBG4 I used by a completely different Late Fall-09 27" iMac, and came with a pre-installed system, my best -- which is none too good -- guess why this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" is still showing up is that whatever it is, "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" somehow came over when I used Migration Assistant to move NON- SYSTEM apps and files, first from my PBG4 to the Late Fall-09 iMac, then from the backup of the Late Fall-09 iMac I made when I was pretty sure -- though Apple wasn't -- that my first iMac was going to die. Obviously I couldn't, and wasn't dumb enough to try to, move System items from my PPC PBG4 to my Intel Mid-2011 iMac.

    So, I have this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" whatever-it-is, and it obviously completely denies the Terminal installation of flvtool2-1.0.6 (see attached image), and I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas how to get rid of "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63"?
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Failed-flv-terminal-session.jpg
Views:	503
Size:	116.2 KB
ID:	16855  

    Last edited by bartbrn; 21st Mar 2013 at 11:10.

  5. Member
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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    flvtool2 needs manual installation using the Terminal, as described on the ffmpegX website. After installation, a new binary will be created for ffmpegX to access when needed. The downloaded folder for flvtool2 is no longer needed after installation.
    Well, I have a problem right off the bat, and I think I've seen this show up in Terminal sessions before (I try to use the Terminal as little as possible -- I'm not educated enough in its use to be sure I'm not going to screw something up beyond recovery).

    Why this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" item shows up I have no idea, but it INVARIABLY shows up in the following logs:


    I DID have a PBG4 Ti for several years before the clever Apple design of running the Kapton flat display cable through the left hinge between body and display, ensuring that the back-and-forth flex would inevitably break the traces of BOTH my PBG4s, which it did.

    I then bought a Late Fall-09 27" iMac, which -- thank god for AppleCare -- went through THREE logic board/power supply/video chip replacements (the last one an unheard-of tech housecall) before Apple finally bowed to the inevitable, and replaced the dead Late Fall 09 iMac with my current mid-2011 27" iMac, pre-loaded with Lion (which I certainly wish it had NOT been, as Lion has crippled several 3d-party apps).

    Seeing as how this current mid-2011 iMac is separated from the last PBG4 I used by a completely different Late Fall-09 27" iMac, and came with a pre-installed system, my best -- which is none too good -- guess why this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" is still showing up is that whatever it is, "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" somehow came over when I used Migration Assistant to move NON- SYSTEM apps and files, first from my PBG4 to the Late Fall-09 iMac, then from the backup of the Late Fall-09 iMac I made when I was pretty sure -- though Apple wasn't -- that my first iMac was going to die. Obviously I couldn't, and wasn't dumb enough to try to, move System items from my PPC PBG4 to my Intel Mid-2011 iMac.

    So, I have this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" whatever-it-is, and it obviously affects the Terminal installation of flvtool2-1.0.6 (see attached image), and I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas how to get rid of "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63"?
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	Failed-flv-terminal-session.jpg
Views:	351
Size:	116.2 KB
ID:	16856  

  6. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bartbrn View Post
    Well, I have a problem right off the bat: when I open the Terminal session, I'm immediately faced with the obviously incorrect Terminal identification of "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63".
    It is the Computer Name, or host name in Terminal terminology. It may be a side effect of Migration Assistant or from a recovery from a back-up.
    You may change the Computer Name in System Preferences > Sharing. Terminal will use a derived version of that name with all lower case and dashes. Re-launching Terminal after the change should bring up the new name.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    So, I have this "barton-browns-powerbook-g4-63" whatever-it-is, and it obviously completely denies the Terminal installation of flvtool2-1.0.6 (see attached image), and I don't know how to fix it.
    The failed Terminal operation of installing flvtool2 is unrelated to the unwanted host name. The Terminal operation failed because of a missing space between the "cd" command and the folder path that follows after it.
    hostname:~username$ cd /path/to/a/folder

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    Sorry for the double post -- problem with brain.

  8. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Try again with typing "cd " (including the trailing space) instead of "cd".

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    You may change the Computer Name in System Preferences > Sharing. Terminal will use a derived version of that name with all lower case and dashes. Re-launching Terminal after the change should bring up the new name.

    Thanks, done.

    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    The failed Terminal operation of installing flvtool2 is unrelated to the unwanted host name. The Terminal operation failed because of a missing space between the "cd" command and the folder path that follows after it.
    hostname:~username$ cd /path/to/a/folder
    These are the instructions I followed:
      (Meaning that your encoded FLV with play with a progress bar in internet Flash video players) You need to install FLVTool2 by following these steps
    • Download FLVtool2 from and decompress the package into a folder.
    • Open
    • Type cd [drop the folder here] [press return key]
    • Type ruby setup.rb config [press return key]
    • Type ruby setup.rb setup [press return key]
    • Type sudo ruby setup.rb install [will require that you enter your login password] [press return key]
    • Done!
    Here's the instruction line: Type cd [drop the folder here] [press return key]

    I don't see a defined "space" after cd in "
    cd [drop the folder here]" Is it the case that wherever there is a space in the instructions, I should put a space in what I'm typing in the Terminal? (e.g.: "Type ruby setup.rb config [press return key]" -- should I type a space into the Terminal between "config" and"[press return key]"? As I said, I don't mess in the Terminal, and I did NOT see a readily apparent "space" required between "cd" and "[drop the folder here]." For future reference, how can I tell if a space is required without any obvious clue that a space is required. So, in "cd /path/to/a/folder," do I actually type "cd," then a space, then actually drag and drop the "flvtool2-1.0.6" folder into the Terminal window?

    Not complaining, I'm just trying to learn this stuff.


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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    Try again with typing "cd " (including the trailing space) instead of "cd".
    So is THIS (see attached) what I'm supposed to end up with?
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	FLVTerminal.jpg
Views:	426
Size:	145.6 KB
ID:	16857  

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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    Try again with typing "cd " (including the trailing space) instead of "cd".
    OK, I've used one file, an .mov quickie (1.9MB) of the Aspyr logo animation, which has sound. I'm a little slow, and this task is a little tedious, but I've tried four ffmpegX conversions, all with the same starting file (, with varying results:

    MOV > MP4: Good vid, good sound

    MOV > MP4 H.264: Good vid, good sound

    MOV > Avi DivX: Good vid, NO sound (and that's played in both QT and the DivX player)

    MOV > flv: Good vid, NO sound

    I have screen grabs of all the process logs, and 7 more test files to go, in formats:






    For the two failed conversions (MOV > Avi DivX, and MOV > flv), here are the process screen grabs:
    Image Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version

Name:	ProcessAspyrIntroMOV-FLVFAIL.jpg
Views:	638
Size:	29.7 KB
ID:	16858  

    Click image for larger version

Name:	ProcessAspyrIntroMOV-AVI-DivXVID-NO-SOUND.jpg
Views:	458
Size:	78.0 KB
ID:	16859  

  12. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bartbrn View Post
    So is THIS (see attached) what I'm supposed to end up with?
    [image of Terminal output]

    Originally Posted by bartbrn View Post
    OK, I've used one file, a .mov quickie which has sound. I've tried four ffmpegX conversions with varying results:
    For the two failed conversions, here are the process screen grabs:
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.1 -> #0.0
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0
    If you see the error "Codec type mismatch for mapping ..." in the log, then ffmpeg needs a little user help: check the box "Invert mapping" in the Audio tab and try the conversion again. This only applies to conversions using the ffmpeg engine. Conversions using the menocder engine can almost always figure out the stream mapping by itself and don't need/can't use this manual stream mapping instruction.
    (This is one of the limitations of the age of the binaries. Other apps that use newer versions of ffmpeg won't need this user guidance.)

  13. bartbrn, OK. I hadn't spotted Case's Middle Earth connection, but the way you used the term "Middle Earthers" did sound rather derogatory. Mea culpa.

    "Then every "Forum" link on every page (check it and see) shouldn't bring one THIS forum, and, as this forum allegedly has absolutely nothing to do with ffmpegX, the software app that updates itself, or its developer, ipso facto this forum is a strictly amateur effort. There should, IMHO, be a codicil explanation at the top of every ffmepX for MacOSX forum page here, or if it's too much trouble for anyone to take responsibility for this particular forum, then it should be taken down." So you think you're being lied to when you're told that this forum has nothing to do with either the software or the writer? Oh, and I loved the "IMHO" bit! You? Humble? Nah! Don't believe it!

    I'll confess that I've never heard "Swan" used as a verb before without it being immediately followed by the word "around", but I hardly think that indicates hitting rock bottom, educationally speaking.

    Anyway, good luck on your quest. I somehow don't think we'll be exchanging Christmas cards anytime soon, so do try to have a nice life, and be nice to people occasionally, they may surprise you . . . and if they don't then you can still shout and swear at them!

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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    For the two failed conversions, here are the process screen grabs:
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.1 -> #0.0
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0
    If you see the error "Codec type mismatch for mapping ..." in the log, then ffmpeg needs a little user help: check the box "Invert mapping" in the Audio tab and try the conversion again. This only applies to conversions using the ffmpeg engine. Conversions using the menocder engine can almost always figure out the stream mapping by itself and don't need/can't use this manual stream mapping instruction.
    (This is one of the limitations of the age of the binaries. Other apps that use newer versions of ffmpeg won't need this user guidance.)[/QUOTE]

    Will do... tomorrow. I'm taking a night off to see if it makes my brain work any better tomorrow.

    Thanks for your help, sorry for the misunderstanding.


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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    For the two failed conversions, here are the process screen grabs:
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.1 -> #0.0
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0
    If you see the error "Codec type mismatch for mapping ..." in the log, then ffmpeg needs a little user help: check the box "Invert mapping" in the Audio tab and try the conversion again. This only applies to conversions using the ffmpeg engine. Conversions using the menocder engine can almost always figure out the stream mapping by itself and don't need/can't use this manual stream mapping instruction.
    (This is one of the limitations of the age of the binaries. Other apps that use newer versions of ffmpeg won't need this user guidance.)[/QUOTE]

    Case: in the past 24 hours (not unbroken by sleep), I have come up with the following further tests of various ffmpegX conversions. Double dotted lines separate sets of conversions, one WITH, and one WITHOUT "Invert Mapping" checked. I tried to make the descriptions as simple as possible, as I was slowly going nuts doing this, with the type of conversion in all-caps at the top, then, also in all caps, whether or not "Invert Mapping is on or off, the results for Audio Mapping on and Audio Mapping OFF for the same file conversion separated by a single solid line. All files used for conversion were in the original format, e.g. "CONVERSION AVI > MOV" -- the original file WAS an .avi file.

    Instead of screen shots of the process logs, which is cumbersome AND tiresome, I've included the entire text of each process with its corresponding conversion. Each process begins with "FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard." Which leads me to the question, since the last page update is 2006, and M. Bellard seems to have been no longer among us since 2004 -- dogs years in software -- who HAS been updating ffmpegX?

    Needless to say, I have no idea whatsoever to make of all this -- I'm sure there's a pattern here, but I don't have the knowledge to suss it out:




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Input #0, avi, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/hill_65.avi':
    Duration: 00:00:16.5, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 950 kb/s
    Stream #0.0, 15.00 fps(r): Video: cinepak, yuv420p, 160x120
    Stream #0.1: Audio: pcm_s16le, 22050 Hz, mono, 352 kb/s
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.1 -> #0.0
    Fri Mar 22 12:51:49 EDT 2013




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Fri Mar 22 12:58:17 EDT 2013
    Input #0, avi, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/hill_65.avi':
    Duration: 00:00:16.5, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 950 kb/s
    Stream #0.0, 15.00 fps(r): Video: cinepak, yuv420p, 160x120
    Stream #0.1: Audio: pcm_s16le, 22050 Hz, mono, 352 kb/s
    Output #0, mov, to '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/':
    Stream #0.0, 15.00 fps(c): Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 160x120, q=2-9, 51 kb/s
    Stream #0.1: Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
    Stream mapping:
    Stream #0.0 -> #0.0
    Stream #0.1 -> #0.1
    video:189kB audio:138kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 2.864053%
    bench: utime=0.421s
    Encoding completed on Fri Mar 22 12:58:18 EDT 2013




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Seems that stream 0 comes from film source: 1000.00 (1000/1) -> 25.00 (25/1)
    Input #0, flv, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/Maserati 1948 Silverstone.flv':
    Duration: 00:00:34.0, bitrate: N/A
    Stream #0.0, 25.00 fps(r): Video: flv, yuv420p, 240x176
    Stream #0.1: Audio: mp3, 22050 Hz, mono
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.1 -> #0.0
    Fri Mar 22 13:06:59 EDT 2013




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Fri Mar 22 13:13:50 EDT 2013
    Seems that stream 0 comes from film source: 1000.00 (1000/1) -> 25.00 (25/1)
    Input #0, flv, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/Maserati 1948 Silverstone.flv':
    Duration: 00:00:34.0, bitrate: N/A
    Stream #0.0, 25.00 fps(r): Video: flv, yuv420p, 240x176
    Stream #0.1: Audio: mp3, 22050 Hz, mono
    Output #0, mov, to '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/Maserati 1948':
    Stream #0.0, 25.00 fps(c): Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 240x176, q=2-9, 51 kb/s
    Stream #0.1: Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s
    Stream mapping:
    Stream #0.0 -> #0.0
    Stream #0.1 -> #0.1
    video:1029kB audio:308kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 1.542758%
    bench: utime=1.130s
    Encoding completed on Fri Mar 22 13:13:51 EDT 2013




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/MOV conversions/m4v to flv/bo diddley.m4v':
    Duration: 00:00:54.3, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 801 kb/s
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Output #0, flv, to '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/MOV conversions/m4v to flv/bo diddley.m4v.ff.flv':
    Stream #0.0, 25.00 fps(c): Video: flv, yuv420p, 320x240, q=2-15, 200 kb/s
    Stream #0.1: Audio: mp3, 22050 Hz, stereo, 56 kb/s
    Stream mapping:
    Stream #0.1 -> #0.0 [sync #0.0]
    Stream #0.0 -> #0.1 [sync #0.1]
    Sat Mar 23 11:04:27 EDT 2013
    video:592kB audio:372kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead 109.123646%
    bench: utime=2.341s
    /Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/MOV conversions/m4v to flv/bo diddley.m4v.ff.flv:
    height: 240
    hasCuePoints: false
    audiosamplesize: 16
    metadatacreator: inlet media FLVTool2 v1.0.6 -
    hasMetadata: true
    hasAudio: true
    audiodelay: 0
    datasize: 2051512
    audiosize: 405692
    audiodatarate: 56.3340691685063
    hasKeyframes: true
    - 0
    - 9.6
    - 19.2
    - 28.8
    - 38.4
    - 48
    - 997
    - 531136
    - 863129
    - 1226503
    - 1535266
    - 1853211
    videocodecid: 2
    audiocodecid: 2
    lastkeyframetimestamp: 48
    hasVideo: true
    stereo: true
    width: 320
    filesize: 2065301
    videosize: 1645004
    metadatadate: Sat Mar 23 11:04:30 GMT-0400 2013
    videodatarate: 239.888741721854
    lasttimestamp: 54.36
    duration: 54.4
    audiosamplerate: 22000
    canSeekToEnd: false
    framerate: 25
    Encoding completed on Sat Mar 23 11:04:30 EDT 2013




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Sat Mar 23 11:08:23 EDT 2013
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/OriginalMovie/bo diddley.m4v':
    Duration: 00:00:54.3, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 801 kb/s
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0




    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Sat Mar 23 11:58:14 EDT 2013
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/m4v Conversions/m4v-AVIDivX/bo diddley.m4v':
    Duration: 00:00:54.3, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 801 kb/s
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0




    Even DivX won't play it:


Player does not recognize this container format. Additional Software is required to play. It may be available from the DivX Support website."

    Nor does anything else.

    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Sat Mar 23 11:58:14 EDT 2013
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/m4v Conversions/m4v-AVIDivX/bo diddley.m4v':
    Duration: 00:00:54.3, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 801 kb/s
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0


    Last edited by bartbrn; 23rd Mar 2013 at 10:44. Reason: Bad Karma and punctutation

  16. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bartbrn View Post
    In the past 24 hours, I have come up with the following further tests of various ffmpegX conversions.
    Instead of screen shots of the process logs, which is cumbersome AND tiresome, I've included the entire text of each process with its corresponding conversion.
    Thank you. That also makes it easier for me to quote a significant portion from those logs.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    Each process begins with "FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard." Which leads me to the question, since the last page update is 2006, and M. Bellard seems to have been no longer among us since 2004 -- dogs years in software -- who HAS been updating ffmpegX?
    ffmpeg is not ffmpegX. ffmpegX makes use of ffmpeg code. ffmpegX is the GUI, the graphical user interface, and ffmpeg is one of the converter "engines" on which this GUI relies. When you use ffmpegX to convert a movie with ffmpeg, then ffmpegX tells ffmpeg what to do. Without the GUI, you would be using Terminal commands to let ffmpeg convert something.
    Mr Bellard is a programmer who started the ffmpeg project. That is why his name is in there. ffmpeg is a team effort, which is still being worked on today by various programmers around the world.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    Needless to say, I have no idea whatsoever to make of all this -- I'm sure there's a pattern here, but I don't have the knowledge to suss it out:

    Conversion AVI > MOV
    With Audio: Invert Mapping ON, will not play audio or video
    With Audio: Invert Mapping OFF, plays both audio and video

    Conversion FLV > MOV
    With Audio: Invert Mapping ON, will not play audio or video
    With Audio: Invert Mapping OFF, will play both audio and video
    As mentioned before, one only has to set "Invert mapping" if the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" appears. One should leave it OFF by default.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    Conversion M4V > FLV
    With Audio: Invert Mapping ON, plays video and audio
    With Audio: Invert Mapping OFF, plays video and audio
    I think for that 6th one you meant "does not play" as that log ends in the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" error.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    Conversion M4V > AVIDivX
    With Audio: Invert Mapping ON, video and audio play
    That 7th log does not match what you describe.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    Conversion M4V > AVIDivX
    With Audio: Invert Mapping OFF, nothing plays, and resulting converted file has a file size of zero bytes:
    Even DivX won't play it: "Error

Player does not recognize this container format. Additional Software is required to play. It may be available from the DivX Support website."
    Nor does anything else.
    Of course no player will make anything of a zero bytes file. I'm surprised you even tried.

    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Sat Mar 23 11:58:14 EDT 2013
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/m4v Conversions/m4v-AVIDivX/bo diddley.m4v':
    Duration: 00:00:54.3, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 801 kb/s
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0
    Here the error appears again and that suggest that encoding again with a changed setting (Invert Mapping ON) may get different results.

    A bit more in-depth, if you'll allow me:
    What "Invert mapping" does, is insert a command that tells ffmpeg that the various streams inside a media file are not in "default" order. ffmpeg converts video and audio separately, and starts with the first stream it finds, then tries to convert that to the desired output video format. That only works if the first stream is indeed video, not audio. So, if the first stream is audio, you can tell ffmpeg to invert the stream mapping, that is, convert the second stream to video and the first stream to audio.

    Unfortunately for ffmpeg, Apple decided that QuickTime exported files (MOV, MP4, M4V) have a different stream order (first the audio stream, then the video stream) than what is custom in the video world.

    Notice how the AVI file has video listed first, then the audio stream:
    Stream #0.0, 15.00 fps(r): Video: cinepak, yuv420p, 160x120
    Stream #0.1: Audio: pcm_s16le, 22050 Hz, mono, 352 kb/s

    Notice how the M4V file has audio listed first, then the video stream:
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240

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    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    is not ffmpegX. ffmpegX makes use of ffmpeg code. ffmpegX is the GUI, the graphical user interface, and ffmpeg is one of the converter "engines" on which this GUI relies. When you use ffmpegX to convert a movie with ffmpeg, then ffmpegX tells ffmpeg what to do. Without the GUI, you would be using Terminal commands to let ffmpeg convert something.
    Got it, thanks.

    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    As mentioned before, one only has to set "Invert mapping" if the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" appears. One should leave it OFF by default.
    But how can one know before running the conversion if the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" is going to appear or not? Granted, one could have run the conversion on enough files over time to remember which definitely do not work with "Invert Mapping" selected (I couldn't, but I could make up a 'cheat sheet" listing the correct "Invert Mapping ON/Invert Mapping OFF" selection for each "X > Y" conversion type, but my Friday-Saturday experiments were the first time I'd done most of these conversions

    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    I think for that 6th one you meant "does not play" as that log ends in the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" error.
    Yep -- copy-and-paste brain-fart

    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    That 7th log does not match what you describe... Of course no player will make anything of a zero bytes file. I'm surprised you even tried.
    Too tired to notice -- another one for the cheat sheet.

    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    Originally Posted by bartbrn
    FFmpeg version CVS, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice Bellard
    Mac OSX universal build for ffmpegX
    libavutil version: 49.0.0
    libavcodec version: 51.9.0
    libavformat version: 50.4.0
    Sat Mar 23 11:58:14 EDT 2013
    Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '/Applications/ffmpegX/movie files to try/m4v Conversions/m4v-AVIDivX/bo diddley.m4v':
    Duration: 00:00:54.3, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 801 kb/s
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Codec type mismatch for mapping #0.0 -> #0.0
    Here the error appears again and that suggest that encoding again with a changed setting (Invert Mapping ON) may get different results.
    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    "Here the error appears again and that suggest that encoding again with a changed setting (Invert Mapping ON) may get different results."
    I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're telling me here.

    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    A bit more in-depth, if you'll allow me:
    What "Invert mapping" does, is insert a command that tells ffmpeg that the various streams inside a media file are not in "default" order. ffmpeg converts video and audio separately, and starts with the first stream it finds, then tries to convert that to the desired output video format. That only works if the first stream is indeed video, not audio. So, if the first stream is audio, you can tell ffmpeg to invert the stream mapping, that is, convert the second stream to video and the first stream to audio.

    Unfortunately for ffmpeg, Apple decided that QuickTime exported files (MOV, MP4, M4V) have a different stream order (first the audio stream, then the video stream) than what is custom in the video world.

    Notice how the AVI file has video listed first, then the audio stream:
    Stream #0.0, 15.00 fps(r): Video: cinepak, yuv420p, 160x120
    Stream #0.1: Audio: pcm_s16le, 22050 Hz, mono, 352 kb/s

    Notice how the M4V file has audio listed first, then the video stream:
    Stream #0.0(eng): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, stereo
    Stream #0.1(eng), 25.00 fps(r): Video: h264, yuv420p, 320x240
    Just on a philosophical note -- I'd appreciate your comments, but not necessary if you don't want to participate -- we used to complain all the time about how Microsoft made up their own rules along the way, and largely ignored standards. For one ridiculous example, Microsoft's idiosyncratic HTML syntax that made websites created with whatever that MS abomination of "Website Creator for Unutterable Dummies" was called created sites that were, for quite some time, unviewable on ANY browser running on the Mac OS, including the (thankfully) abandoned Internet Exploder for Mac.

    Sadly, it seems that, more and more, Apple is making its OSs and software internal processes just as proprietary and not-exactly-to-common-standards as anything MS ever did. My most unfavorite example is the fact that, when Apple replaced my DOA Late Fall '09 27" iMac with a mid-2011 27" iMac with any baseline OS you wanted, as long as it was Lion, Lion crippled and obsoleted MANY of my apps. A typical, and maddening example, is Ambrosia Software's otherwise excellent sound recording app, WireTap Studio. BL (Before Lion), I'd been using WireTap, WireTap Pro, and finally WireTap Studio for years. One of its most essential, to me, was per-application recording -- if you wanted to record music or voice or sound of any kind online, you could select whatever browser was open, and you could still have Mail, with its "new message" bleep alerts, iCal, with its time alarms, and even iTunes, and none of those extraneous-to-selected-browser sounds would end up on your WireTap Studio recording. Same, to a certain extent, with Seventh String's "Transcribe!"

    With no choice but Lion, both WireTap Studio and Transcribe! now only allow "Mac [System] Audio -- so if you had Mail open when you were trying to record someting and a new mail message came in, the new mail message "bleep" would wind up in your sound recording. Ambrosia has been trying to fix this since last August -- 7 months -- with no fix yet. The reason I haven't updated to Mountain Lion is that in ML, WireTap Studio is completely crippled. If anyone's interested in the Ambrosia Press release on the subject, it's here:

    It's mostly about "sandboxing" and Apple's desire to create a unicorn by mating the draft horse of Mac OS X to the jackass of iOS. Here's the short form of what John Champlin of Ambrosia wrote to me 14 Jan 2013:

    "It is saddening that a handful of the products from our company have had to go through complete rewrites in order to contend with the issues encountered by the later operating systems on the Mac. The sandboxing and privileges required of applications to access various parts of the system have caused some significant strain on the functionality of the products, and for that we are sorry. Please know that our developers are extremely talented individuals and have been diligently working on ways to fix the products that are effected. We sincerely hope that WireTap Studio will one day be as grand and elegant as it was when we originally conceived it. A simple program that allowed you to effortlessly record specific audio sources, one that would allow you to edit and trim, and share the files you created."

    It seems to me that Apple's ultimate aim is to corral every Mac and iOS app, and by hook or by crippling, force 3d-party software to come into compliance with whatever Frankenstein OS-iOS monster Apple's going to saddle us all with, and -- I believe -- not allow a Mac OS or iOS 3d-party app to be sold that DOESN'T get sold through the App Store, so Apple can get a cut.

    Now that Apple is only peripherally in the computer business, and the real money makers are iPhones, iPads, iPods, and all the iOS frippery that runs on those devices, unless Apple can make a reasonable (read "exorbitant") profit from Apple's own, or 3d party, Mac OS X apps, I don't believe Apple will stay in the full computer hardware business for much longer.

    That's just me, I guess, but, except for the recent iMac, when's the last time Apple introduced a new Mac that wasn't one of the i* products, or a laptop?

  18. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by bartbrn View Post
    Originally Posted by Case View Post
    One only has to set "Invert mapping" if the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" appears. One should leave it OFF by default.
    But how can one know before running the conversion if the "Codec type mismatch for mapping" is going to appear or not? Granted, one could have run the conversion on enough files over time to remember which definitely do not work with "Invert Mapping" selected (I couldn't, but I could make up a 'cheat sheet" listing the correct "Invert Mapping ON/Invert Mapping OFF" selection for each "X > Y" conversion type.
    In my opinion, it is too much trouble to find out if the error is going to appear or not.
    Just try try with the OFF setting. If it errors, it does so immediately. Then set the checkbox and try again. Two extra clicks, less that 5 seconds. Not worth too much investigation to prevent that, I think. For me, not even reason enough to compile a cheat sheet.
    If you do it enough times, you'll notice that most files have the video stream listed first in the index, except for QuickTime files, which are mostly reversed. Player software doesn't care about that, so it all “just works”. Although an expert could create a file with the stream order as they see fit, most files you find will have the default order for that file format.

    There is one exception. FLV files, produced while having Invert Mapping ON, seem to stutter on playback with the Flash web browser plugin. Reason unknown, but 100% of the time(*). It could be circumvented with a lot of effort. While that was a real issue in 2007/2008, I wouldn't advice anyone to make FLVs anymore. Go with H.264/AAC instead for web video.
    (*) Not checked lately, e.g. against the current version (11.6.x) of the Flash player plugin.

  19. I realize this problem has been on the forum for a while, but since I am experiencing the same problems the search for a solution drove me to this site.
    Like anybody else I tried all the suggestions and still no joy. I have a PB G4 with OSX 10.5.8 with 2GB ram.
    So I download the mpeg2enc.ZIP file then just opened it and left it in the same location. Then running the application is able to locate the file and performing the encode it seems that it went through succesfully, but before closing the window I did a extra check on the results and found out that the RATE is not correct. Hope some one can explain what this mean.

    Then I tried to download music from you tube with download helper and got the following ERROR: [javascript application]
    Conversion requires an external application that appears to be missing on your system.
    Configure conversion ? Still no joy.

    Willing to experiment, Thanks
    Last edited by emiel; 3rd May 2014 at 16:53.

  20. Explorer Case's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by emiel View Post
    PB G4 with OSX 10.5.8 with 2GB ram.
    So I download the mpeg2enc.ZIP file then just opened it and left it in the same location. Then running the application is able to locate the file and performing the encode it seems that it went through succesfully, but before closing the window I did a extra check on the results and found out that the RATE is not correct. Hope some one can explain what this mean.
    What rate is that? Video bitrate, Frame rate or audio sampling rate? Did you do a conversion to MPEG-1/MPEG-2/DVD? Because other conversions do not utilize mpeg2enc.
    Please tell us what kind of conversion you were trying with ffmpegX, and please elaborate on you check on the incorrect rate.

    Originally Posted by emiel
    Then I tried to download music from you tube with download helper and got the following ERROR: [javascript application]
    Conversion requires an external application that appears to be missing on your system.
    Configure conversion ? Still no joy.
    Download Helper may want a binary of ffmpeg, if configured to do a conversion on the downloaded file. Alternative option is to download as-is, without conversion. If you want conversions with the plugin, you would need to find a binary that is compatible with the syntax that Download Helper uses to instruct ffmpeg what to do, AND is compatible with Mac OS X 10.5.8. The ffmpeg binary from ffmpegX may not be suitable (too old), because of syntax differences. Try the one from first; they have a 32 bit Universal Binary for Leopard. Copy the binary to somewhere you can find it back later. I recommend /usr/local/bin/ , so that you can use it easily from the Terminal, should you find a need for that. That location is the recommended location for user installed binaries (except for apps that have different needs, like ffmpegX). Then tell Download Helper where that is in its preferences (e.g. /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg ).
    Last edited by Case; 4th May 2014 at 04:13.

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