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  1. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    I've been on a health kick since January and it seems to be sticking. I'm looking for some variety and thought I'd try out rollerblading - ok "inline skating" as I don't even know if the name brand rollerblades is still around.

    Basically I'm looking for something in the 40-60 range. I'm also thinking of getting used ones at play-it-again sports. I just went to and found some for 50.00.

    How similar is it to ice skating? I haven't done that in years though so I really don't know what it would be like. How is braking on these?? Also I would definitely be getting knee and elbow pads. Should I get a helmet?

    Suggestions are welcome. If most suggestions are above 60.00 I may just go buy them used and see if I like doing it at all.

    EDIT - just got back from target - saw a pair for only $20! I may check out play-it-again sports as well.
    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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  2. Lots of fun.

    Play it again Sports is a GREAT place for your first pair. Especially if you dont know if you will like it. I picked up my first pair for like $15 and I still have them 5 years later (of course, I also have a 2nd pair, but thats besides the point).

    It is very much like ice skating in terms of your overall body movements. Taking off and stopping is an entirely different matter. Being an aavid hockey player for 20 years made the transition easy but was not without its challenges. For one, when ice skating you can take off with the "toe" of your skate because it is stationary. With an inline skate, the wheels are moving so if you take off with your toe in the exact same manner as an ice skate, you WILL fall. Having said that, the take off move is very very similar. It comes down to the angle in which your foot is in. Its really NOT that difficult to master or even do for the first time. Stopping is a different matter all together. You do not stop to the side but rather the brake is on the heel. So you have two choices: 1) you do that lameass semi-crouch "lay an egg" deal where you bend like you are taking a shit standing up, bend one leg and push your heel to the ground. But you look like a total arse. If you are ok with that, have at 'er lol Personally, I stop by angling my right foot and push down/drag on the front wheel which slows you down quite easily. The problem is you dont have ANY way at all of stopping QUICKLY .. well, unless you run into a stationary object like a car .. but thats pretty hard to get up from. Great idea on the helmet and pads. Especially if you are in a very public place. If I am going on a quiet path or something, I might not bring it. Depends on my mood. But its obviously safer with one.

    I remember playing street hockey for the first time in rollerblades and forgetting I was on them and attempted to stop "ice skate" style. Ouuuuuch. Needless to say, I did not fall gracefully.

    My thoughts ...

    Ps. Dont get any with square "wheels" :P

    EDIT: By the by .. my method of stopping will wear down your wheels a lot quicker and you will have to replace them. But, if you are serious about this hobby, it will be worth the expense.
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  3. Member yoda313's Avatar
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    Thanks Lucifer.

    Well I went to Play-it-again and it looked like the skates that were in my size were more expensive then the cheapest pair at target.

    I have two related questions:

    Does the quality of the skate effect how well you skate?

    I know if you get the wimpy soft ice skates you can't cut well and the ankle hurts unless you get the super stiff ccm type hockey skates. Is the same true for rollerblades? I mean if you do it are you better off getting the stiffest boot you can find then the cheapest??

    Also - do rollerrinks rent out inline skates? I'd like to test them out sometime first. I mean I've never done it and it's been years since I've either ice skated or roller bladed.

    Thanks for the advice.
    Donatello - The Shredder? Michelangelo - Maybe all that hardware is for making coleslaw?
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    I predict that Yoda will be posting more soon. (From his hospital bed) LOL

    Pads and helmet would be a good thing. Being on the heavy side, I always opted for the softer wheels on old fashioned skates. Them tiny pepples are very good brakes!

    I have an old unicycle in the basement that I might dig out and try riding some day, you will most likely see a rise in my post from the hospital bed shortly after.
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