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  1. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Hi, I'm new to Linux working with SimplyMepis

    I downloaded the divx 6.1.1 for Linux

    I tried to install it in a root console window but I get errors. I read the comments on the main page of the site but I still get the errors. Has anyone been have to fix the so it actually works. Based on the file dates this problem has been around for over a year now and even started with a previous version. You would think that after a year this would have been fixed.
    please don't say use something else. I need the faster speed "High Performance" mode for captures. I have a Dvp-642 and xvids sometimes cause problems. If I get a Philips 5960 I will want to try menus.
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    You could always unpack the contents.dat file and manually copy/link the files. Password is in the script.

    Xvid should be fine on a DVP-642 as long as you do a 2 pass encode with a HT profile. There is also some alternative 2nd pass code that makes the VBV more strict. You might also want to adjust the code so that N-VOP's can be disabled.
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  3. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Thanks I saw the password in the script and I did what you say but finally I found a few other errors and I added a longer path pointing to where I had the contents.dat file and it found it.
    The paths aren't the same for the libs etc.

    Someone linked to a site in french that showed how to replace 3 lines of code and adding the complete path for each directory of the .h files. The script now runs right through with no errors but when I tried acidrip I couldn't see the divx codec as an option to encode from DVD to avi. It's the only app I have right now that lets me select the codec for encoding.

    Now I don't know if it actually installed it or if it's a path problem.
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  4. Member tekkieman's Avatar
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    I am curious as to why divx, and not xvid. Certainly to each his/her own, but I thought the closed nature of divx is why most people moved to xvid. If it is a case of playing the divx clips on a standlaone, you can spoof the fourcc code to make xvid look like divx.

    mencoder -ovc copy -oac copy -ffourcc=divx

    This is a tidbit picked up on some site, and I take no credit or blame for its fitness for function.

    @gll99 - another that will let you change the codec is dvd::rip. You could also just test it with the command line and mencoder.

    Remember, we are really just talking about mpeg 4, right? So other than a standalone, is there a reason to use specifically divx?
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  5. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    The real culprit is during video capture and not when re-encoding another file although I try to be consistent. I had been using DIVX 4 and 5 but about a year or 2 ago around Christmas, DIVX gave away a limited number of free licenses to the divx 6 pro codec and I have been using it ever since for capturing in windows with great success. The DIVX6 codec has built in better options to control the compression ratio of the capture files so it puts less load on the cpu. In "high performance" mode they recommend to crank up the bitrate a bit because it compresses less, the cpu on my P4 varies form 40% to 70% load. If I use the default "Balanced mode" my cpu runs from 75% to 85% but hits the 100% if anything else minor happens on the system like closing a window etc.. 100% cpu for more than a second or so usually means dropped frames so I avoid it. On the Athlon I could probably move it to "fastest" and capture with no cpu problems

    Right now it's all about testing and learning too so there's always a great side benefit. I always learn much more from real life situations that mean something to me than simply theory. There is nothing like a real life example to get me running terminal sessions, editing a script, understanding some of the commands, moving files from drive to drive, unziping and/or unARKing compressed folders and finding hidden passwords (no less) even before celtic_druid said where to find it (although I'm glad you did celtic in case I had not figured it out )
    Right now the divx codecs on my system seem to be dated Oct/Nov 2006 yet the install script and the files from the site for the divx 6..1.1 codecs are dated Feb 2006 so something is off here. Although the script ran through something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Solving this will take a bit of time but my wife is wondering what's happened to me, I've been missing in action for the past few days so I'd better show up on time for meals today or its the dog house.
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  6. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    Another problem in identifying which version of the divx codec is being used is that in the few apps I have installed none of them open up the codecs settings window. They just use text boxes to set the bitrate and pass that on to the encoder. If the codecs option box opens then you know for sure you have the right one plus you can set many other features that otherwise remain as defaults which may not be what you would prefer.

    Does anyone know of any gui based encoder that will offer that option?
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  7. Renegade gll99's Avatar
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    I'm still trying to compile this codec.
    This is the slightly modified content of the so it would extract the files properly. I greatly shortened the eula to save space. This is not the original agreement.

    less <<EOM
    DIVX, INC. (“Licensor”)

    February 1, 2006
    echo Do you accept the terms of this agreement? Please type yes or no.
    read ANSWER
    if [ $ANSWER = "yes" ]; then
    echo Proceeding with installation
    echo Aborting installation

    # GREP_RESULT=`grep /usr/local/lib /etc/`
    GREP_RESULT=`grep /usr/lib /etc/`
    if [ -z "$GREP_RESULT" ]; then
    echo >> /etc/
    echo $LIBDIR >> /etc/
    # echo $LIBDIR >> /etc/
    rm -fR $TMPDIR > /dev/null
    mkdir $TMPDIR
    unzip -d $TMPDIR -P h08pzt4 /root/divx611_060201/contents.dat
    cp -f $TMPDIR/lib/*.so $LIBDIR/
    mkdir $INCLUDEDIR/divx
    cp -fr $TMPDIR/include/* $INCLUDEDIR/divx/
    chown 0 $LIBNAME
    chmod 755 $LIBNAME
    rm -f $LIBNAME.0
    ln -s $LIBNAME $LIBNAME.0
    chown 0 $LIBNAME.0
    chmod 755 $LIBNAME.0
    rm -fR $TMPDIR > /dev/null
    The .h encoder, decoder, common files and the are all extracted properly from the contents.dat file. The referenced file also exists and contains the following lib path references
    I noticed that not all paths exist on my system. All 3 references to libs32 do not exist but they are covered by the other 3 paths simple called /lib which do exist on my system.

    The last step "ldconfig" runs without pause or any messages but I know the codecs aren''t built. I used Krusader to search for the files by name or even by files created within 1 day and all the libs and .h files show but no dll, ax or anything remotely familiar to the divx codec.

    Shouldn't ldconfig return some kind of info. I really don't know if this is the tool that is supposed to create the codecs is there something missing?

    Any suggestions?

    While researching something else and learning more as I go, I found out that this line
    chmod 755 $LIBNAME.0
    creates an executable file called I don't see where this task is run or called after this. When I run it by itself in a terminal session I get and error "Segmentation fault". Maybe this points to the problem?
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