Since I last had need to capture any video footage, I've upgraded to XP and changed my generic BT848 card for a Hauppauge TV/FM card. Nothing else on my spec has changed (20 gb hard drive space free for copying to on 3 partitions) 1 ghz Athlon, 394mb RAM.

Using VirtualDub and the Mjpeg codec, I got very good results, no dropped frames at all. However, I've now tried to copy some video footage from my VCR and I'm getting an awful lot of dropped frames(Around 10%) making it useless. I've defragged...I'm using all the same settings and method I did before (set capture file, audio compression (CD Quality), video format (352x288)-Mjpeg compression (set to 18) 24 bit RGB , 25.0000 fps...

I did a test of an 'off air'
TV program and got no dropped fames at all, but when I tried to capture from tape, the dropped frames it's dropping them from off air recordings too. I'm using the composite video connector, but whether I use that or the standard RF aerial connection, I get bad dropped frames.

Anything I've forgotten (It has been about 6 months since I last did this!!), or anything I need to differently because I've changed OS and card?? Any thoughts would be gratefully received!