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  1. Howdy,many of you may say Windows Media sucks!Knot so
    fast,in this long boring thread I will unlock the secrets of WMV
    Nirvana.If you have MMC 7.5 you have a file in the Windows directory
    called WMSysPrx.prx.If you open up this file in Wordpad you can edit
    the hell out of any(profile)you want that MMC 7.5 uses to control
    the Windows Media codecs.The advantage of using WMV to capture is
    that it's the one-stop-shop.If you're lazy like me and don't want
    to mess around with ANY post-processing,this is for you.You can have
    video and audio compressed(roughly the same as Divx and mp3)on the
    fly ready to slap on a cd.If anyone would like me to e-mail my personal hacked file that I use I will do so gladly.My e-mail is I can get roughly 1 hr 50 min of video on a 700
    meg cd with pretty good quality.If you open up your settings for
    tv/digital vcr/set custom you will see 2 WMV settings,(Local Use)
    and(Lan).These are the profiles I edited.Local use I use WMV1(7)
    at about 785 Kbps,100 for quality at 400x300 res and the audio
    at 64 Kbps.The Lan setting is roughly the same but uses WMV2(8)
    instead.Actually the WMV1 I think looks better at that bitrate.
    Anyway Stinky may be making a gui for this soon(yay).But if you want to know the gruesome details right now or otherwise want my hacked
    file e-mailed that's fine too.When you open up this prx file they
    will have profile names.The ones I edited are towards the bottom of
    the file and correspond the(local use)and(lan)profiles.Each profile
    starts with the audio portion,then the video.

    So,starting with the audio profile 64 Kbps these would be values you change.


    Now,96 Kbps
    b i t r a t e = " 9 6 0 2 4 "
    l s a m p l e s i z e = " 4 4 5 9 " >
    n A v g B y t e s P e r S e c = " 1 2 0 0 3 "
    n B l o c k A l i g n = " 4 4 5 9 "
    c o d e c d a t a = " 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 F 0 0 A D 4 5 0 0 0 0 "

    Then,128 Kbps

    There is also bufferwindow for each set at -1 by default and I have no idea what happens if you change it.

    On to video.These are differences between WMV1(7) and WMV2(8)

    bufferwindow="-1"> The bufferwindow you can change at will but is like this default for WMV1(I don't know why).For WMV2 it's "5000"

    <videomediaprops maxkeyframespacing="30000000" I don't know what this does anyway,but it's like this for WMV1 and ="40000000" for WMV2

    <wmmediatype subtype="{31564D57-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}" for
    <wmmediatype subtype="{32564D57-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}" for WMV2

    Ok,now the values to set for either V1 or V2.These are values for my V1 profile.You can change 'em anyhow you want!

    name="Video for broadband NTSC (785 Kbps total)" I just changed the bitrate to reflect the video bitrate on the title of the profile.

    guid="{0B89164A-5490-4686-9E37-5A80884E5146}" This is just the particular profile I edited.I didn't mess with this.It's underneath the name.

    quality="100"/> You can change this from 1 to 100.I think 100 looks best but it's a little jerky if you don't play it back on the Win Media Player.
    <videoinfoheader dwbitrate="785000"

    Now you can easily see below where to change the resolution in 3 places also where you show WMV1 or WMV2.

    <rcsource left="0"
    <rctarget left="0"
    <bitmapinfoheader biwidth="400"
    There you go..
    Quote Quote  
  2. Up I guess...I may have more settings to come.
    Quote Quote  
  3. Anybody know if (Windows Media MPEG-4 V3) is old or new,good or
    bad?I can't get it to take in MMC..
    Quote Quote  

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