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  1. Member
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    It has been drawn too my attention that some user's have been rude in their behavior too me in recent day's .

    As such , I will leave all the guide's behind as I know many will be interested in the included information .

    I will not put up with _____ who find it easy too pick on small details , such as gramma correction' , and name calling ... when these ____ finally get it through their thick head's that they are unwanted guest's within such forum's ... I might be enticed too make a return .

    Take a close look at their own post's , and you can see , they too , make mistake's in gramma which I can point clearly out at point blank range ... clean up your own back yard first _____ .

    As I have provided much help and assistance in many forum's , not just this one , from helping those find printer refill system's , hardware issue's , video / audio assistance , and directed some too free software utilities not listed here on site , then maybe , I might consider coming back ... if asked by any moderator .

    Moderator's ... you know my contact address detail's .

    Too all other's ... I wish you as much happiness in all you video creativity , and enjoyment ... and above all , have fun doing so .

    Even on my last stand on the forum , I still refrain from name calling and hold back my language .

    The planet dose not evolve around these people , and some do not contribute anything too the knowledge base as extensively as I have done in the past ... and yes ... I will be working on more guide's for pgcedit and other's ... these will eventually be located on my own site ... along with the other guide's in their original format .

    I won't let these _______ stop me from doing this .

    I have come into contact with many good people over my time here , till now , especially many from au , uk , canada ... and other place's .... and one swede ... your a funny bugger ... catch you in yahoo later .

    I apologize to anyone who is waiting for further information ...but I fell strongly about the situation , and I will not stand for stuck up _____ snob's who do the very same thing themselve's , which is double standard .

    I wont go any further on the matter , but too finish up with ... I hope this is understood , as I do not accept particular practice's toward's other member's .

    Too all those not having contributed too , nor connection of , the necessity of this post .

    I thankyou .
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  2. VH Veteran jimmalenko's Avatar
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    So you're taking your DVD burner and going home ?

    It is only words on a webpage .... struth !
    If in doubt, Google it.
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  3. Member Soopafresh's Avatar
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    Bummer, dude. Learned a lot from you. I do understand your frustration, however. Hope you reconsider. Why let 'em get to you ?
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  4. Member FulciLives's Avatar
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    What the hell is this all about anyways?

    - John "FulciLives" Coleman
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  5. Member
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    I think it may be related to this thread:

    Although I gotta say Bjs is complaining about rudeness but he was rude to the developer of syncview, IMO.
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  6. I didn't see that one, Pinstripes23. 2 then. Are there more?
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  7. Member FulciLives's Avatar
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    Well at least I know I had nothing to do with it ... now I can sleep well tonight.

    - John "FulciLives" Coleman
    "The eyes are the first thing that you have to destroy ... because they have seen too many bad things" - Lucio Fulci
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  8. Member
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    Originally Posted by manono
    Are there more?
    I don't think there are anymore. It was the most recent one I just happen to browse upon.
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  9. Member zoobie's Avatar
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    you can't let punks get to you and the internet is full of them
    we and future members need your help here
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  10. Member zoobie's Avatar
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    oic...that last one should have been deleted
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  11. Member thecoalman's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Soopafresh
    Arrgggg... <thecoalman is having flashbacks to english class with the evil Mrs. ****>

    Please post warnings about links like that in the future. :P

    @jman98 , what have you done with Mrs. ****

    Who gives a flying f*** about the difference between to or too or whether the s has an apostrophe or not. As long as a post conveys the meaning intended by the author that is all that matters, we are not attempting to write modern literary masterpiece's ... Yea thats right, I used an apostrophe where I wasn't supposed to and left one out. Shoot Me!
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  12. Member AlanHK's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Soopafresh
    Even more interesting, read the second-last one from SDeC.
    That's a bigger issue than punctuation.

    As for Bjs' grammar, yes, it does grate. He's presumably a native speaker, living in Australia, so he doesn't get the slack I cut for those struggling with a second language. The number of errors is such that I can't help but suspect he takes a perverse pleasure in using deliberately wrong spelling to provoke, which is why I haven't commented earlier, it seems he takes criticism poorly.

    If it's worth spending time making nice graphics it's worth checking over your grammar and spelling.
    Especially if he wants to write guides, which implies he wants the general public to be linking to them and using them, not a throwaway comment directed at one person.
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  13. Member daamon's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by thecoalman
    Who gives a flying f*** about the difference between to or too or whether the s has an apostrophe or not. As long as a post conveys the meaning intended by the author that is all that matters, we are not attempting to write modern literary masterpiece's
    I totally agree. If the incorrect spelling and grammar are unintentional, then people should be grateful that Bjs is sharing his or her knowledge - irrespective of whether he or she is educationally challenged or not. If it's intentional - and I can't think why it would be - then, sure, it's preferable that it wasn't but at least the message is got across even if Bjs has demons he or she needs to sort out.

    Originally Posted by Bjs
    It has been drawn too my attention that some user's have been rude in their behavior too me in recent day's .

    I will not put up with [edited - shortened] name calling ... when these ____ finally get it through their thick head's that they are unwanted guest's within such forum's ...

    Even on my last stand on the forum , I still refrain from name calling and hold back my language .
    Absolutely!!! Good for you!

    Phrases like "sad sack" and "loser" used in an aggressive tone and then telling someone to "bugger off elsewhere" because they are "a waste of time and effort" are just unnecessary.

    Especially when the poster doesn't know the person the comments are aimed at, nor understand their humour, nor seem to be aware of that person's other posts. If the poster was aware of all of this, then they're just confirming the impression they've already given of themselves.

    Originally Posted by Bjs
    As I have provided much help and assistance in many forum's , not just this one , from helping those find printer refill system's , hardware issue's , video / audio assistance , and directed some too free software utilities not listed here on site , then maybe , I might consider coming back ... if asked by any moderator .

    Moderator's ... you know my contact address detail's .

    The planet dose not evolve around these people , and some do not contribute anything too the knowledge base as extensively as I have done in the past ...
    You're right, the planet does not revolve around these people. I suppose the good thing is that, statistically, you're unlikley to be in sole possession of all of the knowledge you've accumulated and, between one or more person(s), you'll be replacable. Let's just hope that these gurus find their way to this site, if they haven't done so already - so VH will go on and won't lose out for long, if at all.

    Originally Posted by Bjs
    I thankyou .
    No: "Thank you.". I'm sure all those who've come across you will be better people for their interaction with you. Goodbye.
    There is some corner of a foreign field that is forever England: Telstra Stadium, Sydney, 22/11/2003.

    Carpe diem.

    If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room.
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  14. I can remember at least one instance where I asked Bjs to correct the spelling in one of his guides. He was spelling Audacity as Audiocity and, of course, the auto-link function didn't work. My pointing out his error didn't seem to bother him, and he made the corrections, so in my experience he didn't mind being corrected, as long as you're not an ass about it.

    AlanHK has a point. A guide is not the same as a random post. It is meant to be read and understood and deserves more attention to detail. But given the option of a spelling and/or gramatically challenged (but understandable) guide and no guide at all, I would choose to have the guide.

    Thanks for all you have written Bjs.
    "Shut up Wesley!" -- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
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  15. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    Hate to see you go BJS.

    If you feel you must, nothing here can stop you. But on the flip side, whether you're online or offline, ******** exist all around you. Just don't let them rule over you, chase you away from places. They eventually get bored and pester somebody else.

    Focus on those that appreciate your efforts, not those who nag about silly crap. I'm as against bad grammar/spelling as the next educated person, but innocent slips and typos (which you seem to do) are perfectly normal, we all do them. Why anybody would pounce on you for typos or innocent errors is beyond me.

    Heck, that's why I have to edit so many of my own posts. Typos and slips.
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  16. Member
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    Suck it up cowboy! If you enjoy posting here, then post away and ignore the dumb stuff. If you feel that you are being singled out and picked on by any one member ask a Mod to intervine, your own attempts to try and straighten someone else out will almost always escalate into a war of words (mispelled or not).

    On the other hand, yes there is proper English and grammar, and trying to use it makes us all better. But in the long run I would rather have acess to misspelled poorly punctuated guides and information than not have the information to sort through.

    Suck it up Cowboy! But then again, if you are not having fun or feeling good about posting, step back and take a break. No one is forcing you to post and gratitude and thanks are few and far between even when they are merited.
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  17. Member Hittz's Avatar
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    Just saying thanks to FulciLives for his detailed help and guidance in helping me to understand more concerning video conversion and format recognition, There are many others here on the Site which are and have been VERY helpful to me, and Ive learned much reading the many posts on various topics. Guns1inger and Manono have also helped me to understand a lot of principles about video and audio.

    Thanks to all the members, I will continue to study for better understanding of encoding/ conversion of video and audio, among various formats.
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  18. Member Marvingj's Avatar
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    Bjs hate to see you go. I read a lots of great stuff you wrote. Sometimes in life you have to let things roll off of you or it will make a stain. Peace....

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  19. Member
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    Bjs posted this back in february and he has long since returned as an active member.
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  20. But he still hasn't learned how to spell the word "does". For someone that writes so much, his style certainly is ... unique.
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