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  1. yeah, it was a really good decision to bring my mic from home. too bad that afterwards I found out that it only recorded mono. okay THAT can be fixed easily, but heres the bigger problem. the guy held the mic in his hands all the time, so now I can hardly hear myself anymore.

    otherwise my voice is recorded and sounds good, so I'd be all okay if I could only make the quiet parts of the interview louder (the parts where the other guy is not talking). but how can I do that? I hope I dont have to go thru the interview manually and normalize all those quiet moments... is there any kinda workaround so I can normalize the quiet parts and leave the loud parts as they are?
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  2. Member
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    Probably not.
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  3. The root of all evil träskmannen's Avatar
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    Take a look at this thread, it might be what you are looking for. I haven't tried it myself, so don't hang me if it doesn't work.
    In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
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  4. Download Audacity - it's free - [] and use the compressor to equalize the two voices.
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  5. Member Soopafresh's Avatar
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    Hey, upload a short clip of the audio somewhere. We'll help you out (if it is possible)

    Otherwise, Exousia is right, Audacity works pretty well, BUT also download and install the Ladspa plugins that will give you 90 additional sound processing functions for Audacity.

    Try the Dyson Compressor and Fast Lookahead Limiter effects
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  6. Video Restorer lordsmurf's Avatar
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    I'd use a combination of SoundForge and Goldwave.
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  7. okay thanks for the comments.

    in the end I already have wavelab with a couple good denoising plugins, so I removed humming and electronic crap from it first, and then I ran it thru that levelator that träskmannen linked to, and its pretty perfect now.
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